Class DirectoryRosterStore

    • Method Detail

      • init

        public static DirectoryRosterStore init​(File baseDir)
        Creates a new roster store on disk.
        baseDir - TODO javadoc me please The directory to create the store in. The directory should be empty
        A DirectoryRosterStore instance if successful, null else.
      • open

        public static DirectoryRosterStore open​(File baseDir)
        Opens a roster store.
        baseDir - TODO javadoc me please The directory containing the roster store.
        A DirectoryRosterStore instance if successful, null else.
      • getRosterVersion

        public String getRosterVersion()
        Description copied from interface: RosterStore
        This method returns the version number as specified by the "ver" attribute of the local store. For a fresh store, this MUST be the empty string.
        Specified by:
        getRosterVersion in interface RosterStore
        local roster version
      • addEntry

        public boolean addEntry​(RosterPacket.Item item,
                                String version)
        Description copied from interface: RosterStore
        This method stores a new roster entry in this store or updates an existing one.
        Specified by:
        addEntry in interface RosterStore
        item - the entry to store
        version - the new roster version
        True if successful
      • removeEntry

        public boolean removeEntry​(Jid bareJid,
                                   String version)
        Description copied from interface: RosterStore
        Removes an entry from the store.
        Specified by:
        removeEntry in interface RosterStore
        bareJid - The bare JID of the entry to be removed
        version - the new roster version
        True if successful
      • resetStore

        public void resetStore()
        Description copied from interface: RosterStore
        Reset the store by removing all entries and setting the version to the empty String.
        Specified by:
        resetStore in interface RosterStore