Jitsi Video Bridge Plugin Changelog
1.3.0 -- March 14th, 2014
- OF-749: Upgraded bouncy castle libraries from 1.49 to 1.50
- Jisti Videobridge plugin: Added latest jitmeet web conference application
- Jisti Videobridge plugin: Implememted SIP registration, incoming and outgoing calls
- Jisti Videobridge plugin: Added new rayo commands "invite"and "uninvite". Added events "inviteaccepted" and "invitecompleted"
- Jisti Videobridge plugin: Implememted media recording
- Ofmeet: Implememted feature to invite telphone user to conference
- Ofmeet: Implememted feature to accept incoming telphone user to conference
- Ofmeet: Implememted feature to record and save conference audio as a .au file
- Ofmeet: Implememted feature to record and save conference video as a .webm file (windows only)
1.2.2 -- Feb 18th, 2014
- Added username/password protection on web applications
1.2.1 -- Feb 17th, 2014
- Updated Spark plugin and added source code to project files
1.2 -- Feb 15th, 2014
- Added latest jitmeet web conference application
- Restructured web apps folder
- Added logging of XMPP messages in web browser console
- Fixed warining message about channle expiry
- jitsivideobridge: Updated to https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-videobridge/commit/a63c8c0dd901e1f9a6f164264338d3a4a89e97fd
1.1.1 -- Feb 9th, 2014
- Added support for PDF Presentations
1.1 -- Jan 27th, 2014
- OF-716 Added to Openfire plugins.
1.0 -- Apr 12, 2013