Class IdentityStore

  • public class IdentityStore
    extends CertificateStore
    A wrapper class for a store of certificates, its metadata (password, location) and related functionality that is used to provide credentials (that represent this Openfire instance), an identity store An identity store should contain private keys, each associated with its certificate chain. Having the root certificate of the Certificate Authority that signed the certificates in this identity store should be in a corresponding trust store, although this is not strictly required. The reasoning here is that when you trust a Certificate Authority to verify your identity, you're likely to trust the same Certificate Authority to verify the identities of others. Note that in Java terminology, an identity store is commonly referred to as a 'key store', while the same name is also used to identify the generic certificate store. To have clear distinction between common denominator and each of the specific types, this implementation uses the terms "certificate store", "identity store" and "trust store".
    Guus der Kinderen,
    • Method Detail

      • generateCSR

        public String generateCSR​(String alias)
                           throws CertificateStoreConfigException
        Creates a Certificate Signing Request based on the private key and certificate identified by the provided alias. When the alias does not identify a private key and/or certificate, this method will throw an exception. The certificate that is identified by the provided alias can be an unsigned certificate, but also a certificate that is already signed. The latter implies that the generated request is a request for certificate renewal. An invocation of this method does not change the state of the underlying store.
        alias - An identifier for a private key / certificate in this store (cannot be null).
        A PEM-encoded Certificate Signing Request (never null).
        CertificateStoreConfigException - if there was a problem generating the CSR
      • installCSRReply

        public void installCSRReply​(String alias,
                                    String pemCertificates)
                             throws CertificateStoreConfigException
        Imports a certificate (and its chain) in this store. This method will fail when the provided certificate chain:
        • does not match the domain of this XMPP service.
        • is not a proper chain
        This method will also fail when a corresponding private key is not already in this store (it is assumed that the CA reply follows a signing request based on a private key that was added to the store earlier).
        alias - the certificate alias
        pemCertificates - a PEM representation of the certificate or certificate chain (cannot be null or empty).
        CertificateStoreConfigException - if there was a problem installing the certificate
      • replaceCertificate

        public String replaceCertificate​(String pemCertificates,
                                         String pemPrivateKey,
                                         String passPhrase)
                                  throws CertificateStoreConfigException
        Imports a certificate and the private key that was used to generate the certificate, replacing any previously installed entries for the same domain. This method will import the certificate and key in the store using a unique alias. This alias is returned. This method will fail when the provided certificate does not match the domain of this XMPP service.
        pemCertificates - a PEM representation of the certificate or certificate chain (cannot be null or empty).
        pemPrivateKey - a PEM representation of the private key (cannot be null or empty).
        passPhrase - optional pass phrase (must be present if the private key is encrypted).
        The alias that was used (never null).
        CertificateStoreConfigException - if there was a problem replacing the certificate
      • installCertificate

        public String installCertificate​(String pemCertificates,
                                         String pemPrivateKey,
                                         String passPhrase)
                                  throws CertificateStoreConfigException
        Imports a certificate and the private key that was used to generate the certificate. This method will import the certificate and key in the store using a unique alias. This alias is returned. This method will fail when the provided certificate does not match the domain of this XMPP service.
        pemCertificates - a PEM representation of the certificate or certificate chain (cannot be null or empty).
        pemPrivateKey - a PEM representation of the private key (cannot be null or empty).
        passPhrase - optional pass phrase (must be present if the private key is encrypted).
        The alias that was used (never null).
        CertificateStoreConfigException - if there was a problem installing the certificate
      • installCertificate

        public void installCertificate​(String alias,
                                       String pemCertificates,
                                       String pemPrivateKey,
                                       String passPhrase)
                                throws CertificateStoreConfigException
        Imports a certificate and the private key that was used to generate the certificate. This method will fail when the provided certificate does not match the domain of this XMPP service, or when the provided alias refers to an existing entry.
        alias - the name (key) under which the certificate is to be stored in the store (cannot be null or empty).
        pemCertificates - a PEM representation of the certificate or certificate chain (cannot be null or empty).
        pemPrivateKey - a PEM representation of the private key (cannot be null or empty).
        passPhrase - optional pass phrase (must be present if the private key is encrypted).
        CertificateStoreConfigException - if there was a problem installing the certificate
      • containsDomainCertificate

        public boolean containsDomainCertificate()
                                          throws CertificateStoreConfigException
        Checks if the store contains a certificate of a particular algorithm that matches the domain of this XMPP service. This method will not distinguish between self-signed and non-self-signed certificates.
        true if the store contains a certificate of a particular algorithm that matches the domain of this XMPP service, otherwise false
        CertificateStoreConfigException - if there was a problem creating the certificate
      • containsAllIdentityCertificate

        public boolean containsAllIdentityCertificate()
                                               throws CertificateStoreConfigException
        Checks if the store contains a certificate of a particular algorithm that contains at least all of the identities of this server (which includes the XMPP domain name, but also its hostname, and XMPP addresses of components that are currently being hosted). This method will not distinguish between self-signed and non-self-signed certificates.
        true if the store contains a certificate of a particular algorithm that contains at least all of the identities of this server, otherwise false
        CertificateStoreConfigException - if there was a problem accessing the certificates
      • generateKeyPair

        protected static KeyPair generateKeyPair​(String algorithm,
                                                 int keySize)
                                          throws GeneralSecurityException
        Returns a new public & private key with the specified algorithm (e.g. DSA, RSA, etc.).
        algorithm - DSA, RSA, etc.
        keySize - the desired key size. This is an algorithm-specific metric, such as modulus length, specified in number of bits.
        a new public & private key with the specified algorithm (e.g. DSA, RSA, etc.).
        GeneralSecurityException - if the supplied algorithm does not have a key-pair generator
      • isForThisDomain

        public static boolean isForThisDomain​(X509Certificate certificate)
        Verifies that the subject of the certificate matches the domain of this XMPP service.
        certificate - The certificate to verify (cannot be null)
        true when the certificate subject is this domain, otherwise false.
      • removeAllDomainEntries

        protected void removeAllDomainEntries()
                                       throws KeyStoreException
        Removes all entries that reflect the local domain. This method iterates over all entries, and removes those that match the domain of this server. Note that the changes are not persisted by this method (as it is expected to be used in tandem with an insert.
        KeyStoreException - if the key store could not be updated