Interface Plugin

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Plugin
    Plugin interface. Plugins enhance the functionality of Openfire. They can:
    • Act as Components to implement additional features in the XMPP protocol.
    • Dynamically modify the admin console.
    • Use the Openfire API to add new functionality to the server.
    Plugins live in the plugins directory of home. Plugins that are packaged as JAR files will be automatically expanded into directories. A plugin directory should have the following structure:
        |-- plugin.xml
        |-- classes/
        |-- lib/
    The classes and lib directory are optional. Any files in the classes directory will be added to the classpath of the plugin, as well as any JAR files in the lib directory. The plugin.xml file is required, and specifies the className of the Plugin implementation. The XML file should resemble the following XML:
     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
         <name>Example Plugin</name>
         <description>This is an example plugin.</description>
         <author>Foo Inc.</author>

    Each plugin will be loaded in its own class loader, unless the plugin is configured with a parent plugin.

    Please see the Plugin Developer Guide (available with the Openfire documentation) for additional details about plugin development.
    Matt Tucker
    • Method Detail

      • initializePlugin

        void initializePlugin​(PluginManager manager,
                              File pluginDirectory)
        Initializes the plugin.
        manager - the plugin manager.
        pluginDirectory - the directory where the plugin is located.
      • destroyPlugin

        void destroyPlugin()
        Destroys the plugin.

        Implementations of this method must release all resources held by the plugin such as file handles, database or network connections, and references to core Openfire classes. In other words, a garbage collection executed after this method is called must be able to clean up all plugin classes.