Class SessionData

  • public class SessionData
    extends Object
    A SessionData instance is responsible for keeping information gathered during the many stages of the command being executed. Each session data is associated with the sessionid attribute included in the command child element of the IQ packet.
    Gaston Dombiak
    • Constructor Detail

      • SessionData

        public SessionData​(String sessionid,
                           org.xmpp.packet.JID owner)
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public String getId()
      • getOwner

        public org.xmpp.packet.JID getOwner()
        Returns the JID of the entity that is executing the command.
        the JID of the entity that is executing the command.
      • getCreationStamp

        public long getCreationStamp()
      • getCreationInstant

        public Instant getCreationInstant()
      • setAllowedActions

        protected void setAllowedActions​(List<AdHocCommand.Action> allowedActions)
        Sets the valid actions that the user can follow from the current stage.
        allowedActions - list of valid actions.
      • isValidAction

        protected boolean isValidAction​(String actionName)
        Returns true if the specified action is valid in the current stage. The action should have previously been offered to the user.
        actionName - the name of the action to validate.
        true if the specified action is valid in the current stage.
      • getData

        public Map<String,​List<String>> getData()
        Returns a Map with all the variables and values obtained during all the command stages.
        a Map with all the variables and values obtained during all the command stages.
      • getStage

        public int getStage()
        Returns the current stage where the requester is located. Stages are numbered from 0. A stage with value 0 means that a command request has just been received and no data form has been sent to the requester yet. The first sent data form of the first stage would be represented as stage 1.
        the current stage where the requester is located.
      • setStage

        protected void setStage​(int stage)
        Sets the current stage where the requester is located. Stages are numbered from 0. A stage with value 0 means that a command request has just been received and no data form has been sent to the requester yet. The first sent data form of the first stage would be represented as stage 1.
        stage - the current stage where the requester is located.
      • getLock

        public Lock getLock()
        Returns a mutex that should be obtained before accessing any immutable field of an instance of this class.
        A mutex.