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Whixp: A Minimal Working Example (in Dart)


This document provides a minimal working example of a client implementation using the Whixp library, making it connect to a running Openfire server.

Topics that are covered in this document:


Whixp is an XMPP Client Library for Dart and Flutter

This guide describes how to use Whixp to connect to Openfire. It provides nothing more than a minimal working example, intended as a stepping stone to for client developers that get started with a new project.


In this example, a client connection will be made against a running Openfire server. For ease of configuration, the 'demoboot' setup of Openfire is used.

The 'demoboot' setup of Openfire allows one to start a fresh installation of Openfire into a certain provisioned state, without running any of the setup steps. When running in 'demoboot' mode:

To start Openfire in 'demoboot' mode, you can invoke the Openfire executable using the -demoboot argument, as shown below.

Starting Openfire in 'demoboot' mode.
$ ./bin/ -demoboot

That should be everything that you need to get Openfire running. Background information on the 'demoboot' mode can be found in Openfire's Demoboot Guide.


To start the project, create a file named pubspec.yaml in an empty directory, and copy in the code below.

Example pubspec.yaml file
name: example
description: A Whixp sample for Openfire.
version: 1.0.0

  sdk: ^3.4.0

  whixp: ^2.1.2+1

Next, create a file named main.dart in an empty directory, and copy in the code below.

Example main.dart file
import 'package:whixp/whixp.dart';

void main() {
  final whixp = Whixp(
    jabberID: '',
    password: 'secret',
    port: 5223,
    useTLS: true,
    onBadCertificateCallback: (_) => true,
    logger: Log(enableWarning: true, enableError: true, includeTimestamp: true),
    internalDatabasePath: 'whixp',
    reconnectionPolicy: RandomBackoffReconnectionPolicy(1, 3),

  /// Reconnect on disconnection.
  whixp.addEventHandler('state', (state) {
    if (state == TransportState.disconnected) whixp.connect();

Finally, build and run the test client, using the instructions below.

Build and run Whixp test client
$ dart pub get
$ dart run main.dart

If all goes well, this will print a short exchange of XMPP data! Press control-c to end the application.

Note that this example disables important security features. You should not use this for anything important!

Further Reading

Please use the links below to find more information.