Class AuditEvent

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class AuditEvent
    extends Object
    Defines the known event types used with audits on arbitrary data/events.
    Iain Shigeoka
    • Field Detail

      • USER_CODES

        public static final int USER_CODES
        All user generated codes must be equal to or greater than this constant to avoid clashing with Openfire event codes.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • AuditEvent

        public AuditEvent​(Session eventSession,
                          Date timestamp,
                          int eventCode,
                          int eventReason,
                          String eventData)
        Create a new audit event.
        eventSession - the session that triggered the event or null if no session is associated with this event.
        timestamp - the date/time the event occured.
        eventCode - a code indicating the type of event that occured.
        eventReason - a second code indicating more details about the event type.
        eventData - arbitrary string data associated with the event or null.
    • Method Detail

      • getCode

        public int getCode()
        Obtain the primary type of event.
        the code indicating the event's type.
      • setCode

        public void setCode​(int code)
        Set the primary type of event.
        code - the code indicating the event's type.
      • getData

        public String getData()
        Obtain the data associated with the event.
        the data associated with the event
      • setData

        public void setData​(String data)
        Set the data associated with the event.
        data - the data associated with the event.
      • getReason

        public int getReason()
        Obtain the subtype of event.
        the code indicating the event's subtype
      • setReason

        public void setReason​(int reason)
        Set the subtype of event.
        reason - the code indicating the event's subtype.
      • getSession

        public Session getSession()
        Obtain the session associated with the event.
        the session associated with the event.
      • setSession

        public void setSession​(Session session)
        Set the session associated with the event.
        session - the session associated with the event.
      • getTimestamp

        public Date getTimestamp()
        Obtain the timestamp of when the event occured.
        the time the event occured.
      • setTimestamp

        public void setTimestamp​(Date time)
        Set the timestamp of when the event occured.
        time - the time the event occured.