Class JiveGlobals

  • public class JiveGlobals
    extends Object
    Controls Jive properties. Jive properties are only meant to be set and retrieved by core Jive classes. Some properties may be stored in XML format while others in the database.

    When starting up the application this class needs to be configured so that the initial configuration of the application may be loaded from the configuration file. The configuration file holds properties stored in XML format, database configuration and user authentication configuration. Use setHomePath(Path) and setConfigName(String) for setting the home directory and path to the configuration file.

    XML property names must be in the form - parts of the name must be separated by ".". The value can be any valid String, including strings with line breaks.

    • Field Detail

      • setupExcludePaths

        public static final String[] setupExcludePaths
    • Constructor Detail

      • JiveGlobals

        public JiveGlobals()
    • Method Detail

      • getLocale

        public static Locale getLocale()
        Returns the global Locale used by Jive. A locale specifies language and country codes, and is used for internationalization. The default locale is system dependent - Locale.getDefault().
        the global locale used by Jive.
      • setLocale

        public static void setLocale​(Locale newLocale)
        Sets the global locale used by Jive. A locale specifies language and country codes, and is used for formatting dates and numbers. The default locale is Locale.US.
        newLocale - the global Locale for Jive.
      • getTimeZone

        public static TimeZone getTimeZone()
        Returns the global TimeZone used by Jive. The default is the VM's default time zone.
        the global time zone used by Jive.
      • setTimeZone

        public static void setTimeZone​(TimeZone newTimeZone)
        Sets the global time zone used by Jive. The default time zone is the VM's time zone.
        newTimeZone - Time zone to set.
      • formatTime

        public static String formatTime​(Date date)
        Formats a Date object to return a time using the global locale.
        date - the Date to format.
        a String representing the time.
      • formatDate

        public static String formatDate​(Date date)
        Formats a Date object to return a date using the global locale.
        date - the Date to format.
        a String representing the date.
      • formatDateTime

        public static String formatDateTime​(Date date)
        Formats a Date object to return a date and time using the global locale.
        date - the Date to format.
        a String representing the date and time.
      • getHomePath

        public static Path getHomePath()
        Returns the location of the home directory.
        the location of the home dir.
      • setHomePath

        public static void setHomePath​(Path homeDir)
        Sets the location of the home directory. The directory must exist and the user running the application must have read and write permissions over the specified directory.
        homeDir - the location of the home dir.
      • getXMLProperty

        public static String getXMLProperty​(String name)
        Returns a local property. Local properties are stored in the file defined in JIVE_CONFIG_FILENAME that exists in the home directory. Properties are always specified as "", which would map to the following entry in the XML file:
                 <prop>some value</prop>
        name - the name of the property to return.
        the property value specified by name.
      • getXMLProperty

        public static String getXMLProperty​(String name,
                                            String defaultValue)
        Returns a local property. Local properties are stored in the file defined in JIVE_CONFIG_FILENAME that exists in the home directory. Properties are always specified as "", which would map to the following entry in the XML file:
                 <prop>some value</prop>
        If the specified property can't be found, the defaultValue will be returned.
        name - the name of the property to return.
        defaultValue - the default value for the property.
        the property value specified by name.
      • getXMLProperty

        public static int getXMLProperty​(String name,
                                         int defaultValue)
        Returns an integer value local property. Local properties are stored in the file defined in JIVE_CONFIG_FILENAME that exists in the home directory. Properties are always specified as "", which would map to the following entry in the XML file:
                 <prop>some value</prop>
        If the specified property can't be found, or if the value is not a number, the defaultValue will be returned.
        name - the name of the property to return.
        defaultValue - value returned if the property could not be loaded or was not a number.
        the property value specified by name or defaultValue.
      • getXMLProperty

        public static boolean getXMLProperty​(String name,
                                             boolean defaultValue)
        Returns a boolean value local property. Local properties are stored in the file defined in JIVE_CONFIG_FILENAME that exists in the home directory. Properties are always specified as "", which would map to the following entry in the XML file:
                 <prop>some value</prop>
        If the specified property can't be found, the defaultValue will be returned. If the property is found, it will be parsed using Boolean.valueOf(String).
        name - the name of the property to return.
        defaultValue - value returned if the property could not be loaded or was not a number.
        the property value specified by name or defaultValue.
      • setXMLProperty

        public static boolean setXMLProperty​(String name,
                                             String value)
        Sets a local property. If the property doesn't already exists, a new one will be created. Local properties are stored in the file defined in JIVE_CONFIG_FILENAME that exists in the home directory. Properties are always specified as "", which would map to the following entry in the XML file:
                 <prop>some value</prop>
        name - the name of the property being set.
        value - the value of the property being set.
        true if the property was correctly saved to file, otherwise false
      • setXMLProperties

        public static void setXMLProperties​(Map<String,​String> propertyMap)
        Sets multiple local properties at once. If a property doesn't already exists, a new one will be created. Local properties are stored in the file defined in JIVE_CONFIG_FILENAME that exists in the home directory. Properties are always specified as "", which would map to the following entry in the XML file:
                 <prop>some value</prop>
        propertyMap - a map of properties, keyed on property name.
      • getXMLProperties

        public static List getXMLProperties​(String parent)
        Return all immediate children property values of a parent local property as a list of strings, or an empty list if there are no children. For example, given the properties X.Y.A, X.Y.B, X.Y.C and X.Y.C.D, then the immediate child properties of X.Y are A, B, and C (the value of C.D would not be returned using this method).

        Local properties are stored in the file defined in JIVE_CONFIG_FILENAME that exists in the home directory. Properties are always specified as "", which would map to the following entry in the XML file:

                 <prop>some value</prop>
        parent - the name of the parent property to return the children for.
        all child property values for the given parent.
      • getXMLPropertyNames

        public static List<String> getXMLPropertyNames()
        Return all property names as a list of strings, or an empty list if jiveHome has not been loaded.
        all child property for the given parent.
      • deleteXMLProperty

        public static void deleteXMLProperty​(String name)
        Deletes a locale property. If the property doesn't exist, the method does nothing.
        name - the name of the property to delete.
      • getProperty

        public static String getProperty​(String name)
        Returns a Jive property.
        name - the name of the property to return.
        the property value specified by name.
      • getProperty

        public static String getProperty​(String name,
                                         String defaultValue)
        Returns a Jive property. If the specified property doesn't exist, the defaultValue will be returned.
        name - the name of the property to return.
        defaultValue - value returned if the property doesn't exist.
        the property value specified by name.
      • getEnumProperty

        public static <E extends Enum<E>> E getEnumProperty​(String name,
                                                            Class<E> enumType,
                                                            E defaultValue)
        Returns an enum constant Jive property. If the specified property doesn't exist, or if it's value cannot be parsed as an enum constant, the defaultValue will be returned.
        Type Parameters:
        E - The enum type whose constant is to be returned.
        name - the name of the property to return.
        enumType - the Class object of the enum type from which to return a constant.
        defaultValue - value returned if the property doesn't exist or it's value could not be parsed.
        the property value (as an enum constant) or defaultValue.
      • getIntProperty

        public static int getIntProperty​(String name,
                                         int defaultValue)
        Returns an integer value Jive property. If the specified property doesn't exist, the defaultValue will be returned.
        name - the name of the property to return.
        defaultValue - value returned if the property doesn't exist or was not a number.
        the property value specified by name or defaultValue.
      • getLongProperty

        public static long getLongProperty​(String name,
                                           long defaultValue)
        Returns a long value Jive property. If the specified property doesn't exist, the defaultValue will be returned.
        name - the name of the property to return.
        defaultValue - value returned if the property doesn't exist or was not a number.
        the property value specified by name or defaultValue.
      • getDoubleProperty

        public static double getDoubleProperty​(String name,
                                               double defaultValue)
        Returns a double value Jive property. If the specified property doesn't exist, the defaultValue will be returned.
        name - the name of the property to return.
        defaultValue - value returned if the property doesn't exist or was not a number.
        the property value specified by name or defaultValue.
      • getBooleanProperty

        public static boolean getBooleanProperty​(String name)
        Returns a boolean value Jive property.
        name - the name of the property to return.
        true if the property value exists and is set to "true" (ignoring case). Otherwise false is returned.
      • getBooleanProperty

        public static boolean getBooleanProperty​(String name,
                                                 boolean defaultValue)
        Returns a boolean value Jive property. If the property doesn't exist, the defaultValue will be returned. If the specified property can't be found, or if the value is not a number, the defaultValue will be returned.
        name - the name of the property to return.
        defaultValue - value returned if the property doesn't exist.
        true if the property value exists and is set to "true" (ignoring case). Otherwise false is returned.
      • getPropertyNames

        public static List<String> getPropertyNames​(String parent)
        Return all immediate children property names of a parent Jive property as a list of strings, or an empty list if there are no children. For example, given the properties X.Y.A, X.Y.B, X.Y.C and X.Y.C.D, then the immediate child properties of X.Y are A, B, and C (C.D would not be returned using this method).

        parent - Parent "node" to find the children of.
        a List of all immediate children property names (Strings).
      • getProperties

        public static List<String> getProperties​(String parent)
        Return all immediate children property values of a parent Jive property as a list of strings, or an empty list if there are no children. For example, given the properties X.Y.A, X.Y.B, X.Y.C and X.Y.C.D, then the immediate child properties of X.Y are X.Y.A, X.Y.B, and X.Y.C (the value of X.Y.C.D would not be returned using this method).

        parent - the name of the parent property to return the children for.
        all child property values for the given parent.
      • getListProperty

        public static List<String> getListProperty​(String parent,
                                                   List<String> defaultValues)
        Return all immediate children property values of a parent Jive property as a list of strings, or an default list if the property does not exist. This implementation ignores child property values that are empty (these are excluded from the result). When all child properties are empty, an empty collection (and explicitly not the default values) is returned. This allows a property to override a default non-empty collection with an empty one. The child properties that are evaluated in this method are the same child properties as those used by getProperties(String).
        parent - the name of the parent property to return the children for.
        defaultValues - values returned if the property doesn't exist.
        all child property values for the given parent.
      • getPropertyNames

        public static List<String> getPropertyNames()
        Returns all Jive property names.
        a List of all property names (Strings).
      • setProperty

        public static void setProperty​(String name,
                                       String value)
        Sets a Jive property. If the property doesn't already exists, a new one will be created.
        name - the name of the property being set.
        value - the value of the property being set.
      • setProperty

        public static void setProperty​(String name,
                                       String value,
                                       boolean encrypt)
        Sets a Jive property. If the property doesn't already exists, a new one will be created.
        name - the name of the property being set.
        value - the value of the property being set.
        encrypt - true to encrypt the property in the database, other false
      • setProperty

        public static void setProperty​(String name,
                                       List<String> values)
        Sets a Jive property with a list of values. If the property doesn't already exists, a new one will be created. Empty or null values in the collection are ignored. Each value is stored as a direct child property of the property name provided as an argument to this method. When this method is used, all previous children of the property will be deleted. When the provided value is null, any previously stored collection will be removed. If it is an empty collection (or a collection that consists of null and empty values onlu), it is stored as an empty collection (represented by a child property that has an empty value). The naming convention used by this method to define child properties is subject to change, and should not be depended on. This method differs from setProperties(Map), which is used to set multiple properties. This method sets one property with multiple values.
        name - the name of the property being set.
        values - the values of the property.
      • setProperties

        public static void setProperties​(Map<String,​String> propertyMap)
        Sets multiple Jive properties at once. If a property doesn't already exists, a new one will be created. This method differs from setProperty(String, List), which is used to one property with multiple values. This method sets multiple properties, each with one value.
        propertyMap - a map of properties, keyed on property name.
      • deleteProperty

        public static void deleteProperty​(String name)
        Deletes a Jive property. If the property doesn't exist, the method does nothing. All children of the property will be deleted as well.
        name - the name of the property to delete.
      • migrateProperty

        public static void migrateProperty​(String name)
        Convenience routine to migrate an XML property into the database storage method. Will check for the XML property being null before migrating.
        name - the name of the property to migrate.
      • migratePropertyTree

        public static void migratePropertyTree​(String name)
        Convenience routine to migrate a tree of XML propertis into the database storage method.
        name - the name of the base property to migrate.
      • isPropertySensitive

        public static boolean isPropertySensitive​(String name)
        Flags certain properties as being sensitive, based on property naming conventions. Values for matching property names are hidden from the Openfire console.
        name - The name of the property
        True if the property is considered sensitive, otherwise false
      • isXMLPropertyEncrypted

        public static boolean isXMLPropertyEncrypted​(String name)
        Determines whether an XML property is configured for encryption.
        name - The name of the property
        true if the property is stored using encryption, otherwise false
      • isPropertyEncrypted

        public static boolean isPropertyEncrypted​(String name)
        Determines whether a property is configured for encryption.
        name - The name of the property
        true if the property is stored using encryption, otherwise false
      • setPropertyEncrypted

        public static boolean setPropertyEncrypted​(String name,
                                                   boolean encrypt)
        Set the encryption status for the given property.
        name - The name of the property
        encrypt - True to encrypt the property, false to decrypt
        True if the property's encryption status changed, otherwise false
      • getPropertyEncryptor

        public static Encryptor getPropertyEncryptor​(boolean useNewEncryptor)
        Fetches the property encryptor.
        useNewEncryptor - Should use the new encryptor
        The property encryptor
      • getPropertyEncryptor

        public static Encryptor getPropertyEncryptor()
        Fetches the current property encryptor.
        The current property encryptor
      • setupPropertyEncryptionAlgorithm

        public static void setupPropertyEncryptionAlgorithm​(String alg)
        This method is called early during the setup process to set the algorithm for encrypting property values
        alg - the algorithm used to encrypt properties
      • setupPropertyEncryptionKey

        public static void setupPropertyEncryptionKey​(String key)
        This method is called early during the setup process to set a custom key for encrypting property values
        key - the key used to encrypt properties
      • setConfigName

        public static void setConfigName​(String configName)
        Allows the name of the local config file name to be changed. The default is "openfire.xml".
        configName - the name of the config file.