Class CertificateManager

  • public class CertificateManager
    extends Object
    Utility class that provides similar functionality to the keytool tool. Generated certificates conform to the XMPP spec where domains are kept in the subject alternative names extension.
    Gaston Dombiak
    • Constructor Detail

      • CertificateManager

        public CertificateManager()
    • Method Detail

      • getClientIdentities

        public static List<String> getClientIdentities​(X509Certificate x509Certificate)
        Returns the identities of the remote client as defined in the specified certificate. The identities are mapped by the classes in the "provider.clientCertIdentityMap.classList" property. By default, the subjectDN of the certificate is used.
        x509Certificate - the certificate the holds the identities of the remote server.
        the identities of the remote client as defined in the specified certificate.
      • getServerIdentities

        public static List<String> getServerIdentities​(X509Certificate x509Certificate)
        Returns the identities of the remote server as defined in the specified certificate. The identities are mapped by the classes in the "provider.serverCertIdentityMap.classList" property. By default, the identities are defined in the subjectDN of the certificate and it can also be defined in the subjectAltName extensions of type "xmpp". When the extension is being used then the identities defined in the extension are going to be returned. Otherwise, the value stored in the subjectDN is returned.
        x509Certificate - the certificate the holds the identities of the remote server.
        the identities of the remote server as defined in the specified certificate.
      • isSelfSignedCertificate

        public static boolean isSelfSignedCertificate​(X509Certificate certificate)
        Returns true if the specified certificate is a self-signed certificate.
        certificate - the certificate to check
        true if the specified certificate is a self-signed certificate.
      • isSigningRequestPending

        public static boolean isSigningRequestPending​(X509Certificate certificate)
        Returns true if the specified certificate is ready to be signed by a Certificate Authority. Self-signed certificates need to get their issuer information entered to be able to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).
        certificate - the certificate to check
        true if the specified certificate is ready to be signed by a Certificate Authority.
      • createSigningRequest

        public static String createSigningRequest​(X509Certificate cert,
                                                  PrivateKey privKey)
                                           throws org.bouncycastle.operator.OperatorCreationException,
        Creates and returns the content of a new singing request for the specified certificate. Signing requests are required by Certificate Authorities as part of their signing process. The signing request contains information about the certificate issuer, subject DN, subject alternative names and public key. Private keys are not included. After the Certificate Authority verified and signed the certificate a new certificate is going to be returned.
        cert - the certificate to create a signing request.
        privKey - the private key of the certificate.
        the content of a new singing request for the specified certificate.
        org.bouncycastle.operator.OperatorCreationException - if there was a problem creating the CSR
        IOException - if there was a problem creating the CSR
        CertificateParsingException - if there was a problem creating the CSR
      • toPemRepresentation

        public static String toPemRepresentation​(Object object)
                                          throws IOException
        Generates a PEM representation of the input argument.
        object - the input argument (cannot be null).
        PEM representation of the input argument.
        IOException - When a PEM representation of the input could not be created.
      • parsePrivateKey

        public static PrivateKey parsePrivateKey​(InputStream pemRepresentation,
                                                 String passPhrase)
                                          throws IOException
        Parses a PrivateKey instance from a PEM representation. When the provided key is encrypted, the provided pass phrase is applied.
        pemRepresentation - a PEM representation of a private key (cannot be null or empty)
        passPhrase - optional pass phrase (must be present if the private key is encrypted).
        a PrivateKey instance (never null)
        IOException - if there was a problem parsing the key
      • parseCertificates

        public static Collection<X509Certificate> parseCertificates​(InputStream pemRepresentation)
                                                             throws IOException,
        Parses a certificate chain from a PEM representation.
        pemRepresentation - a PEM representation of a certificate or certificate chain (cannot be null or empty)
        A collection of certificates (possibly empty, but never null).
        IOException - never
        CertificateException - if there was a problem parsing certificates
      • addListener

        public static void addListener​(CertificateEventListener listener)
        Registers a listener to receive events.
        listener - the listener.
      • removeListener

        public static void removeListener​(CertificateEventListener listener)
        Unregisters a listener to receive events.
        listener - the listener.
      • fireCertificateStoreChanged

        public static void fireCertificateStoreChanged​(CertificateStore store)
        Notify listeners that a certificate store has been changed.
        store - the store that has changed
      • createX509V3Certificate

        public static X509Certificate createX509V3Certificate​(KeyPair kp,
                                                              int days,
                                                              String issuerCommonName,
                                                              String subjectCommonName,
                                                              String domain,
                                                              String signAlgoritm)
                                                       throws GeneralSecurityException,
        Creates an X509 version3 certificate.
        kp - KeyPair that keeps the public and private keys for the new certificate.
        days - time to live
        issuerCommonName - Issuer CN string
        subjectCommonName - Subject CN string
        domain - Domain of the server.
        signAlgoritm - Signature algorithm. This can be either a name or an OID.
        X509 V3 Certificate
        GeneralSecurityException - if there was a problem creating the certificate
        IOException - if there was a problem creating the certificate
      • createX509V3Certificate

        public static X509Certificate createX509V3Certificate​(KeyPair kp,
                                                              int days,
                                                              org.bouncycastle.asn1.x500.X500NameBuilder issuerBuilder,
                                                              org.bouncycastle.asn1.x500.X500NameBuilder subjectBuilder,
                                                              String domain,
                                                              String signAlgoritm)
                                                       throws GeneralSecurityException,
        Creates an X509 version3 certificate.
        kp - KeyPair that keeps the public and private keys for the new certificate.
        days - time to live
        issuerBuilder - IssuerDN builder
        subjectBuilder - SubjectDN builder
        domain - Domain of the server.
        signAlgoritm - Signature algorithm. This can be either a name or an OID.
        X509 V3 Certificate
        GeneralSecurityException - if there was a problem creating the certificate
        IOException - if there was a problem creating the certificate
      • getSubjectAlternativeNames

        protected static org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.GeneralNames getSubjectAlternativeNames​(Set<String> sanDnsNames)
      • determineSubjectAlternateNameDnsNameValues

        public static Set<String> determineSubjectAlternateNameDnsNameValues()
        Finds all values that aught to be added as a Subject Alternate Name of the dnsName type to a certificate that identifies this XMPP server.
        A set of names, possibly empty, never null.