Class PubSubEngine

  • public class PubSubEngine
    extends Object
    A PubSubEngine is responsible for handling packets sent to a pub-sub service.
    Matt Tucker
    • Constructor Detail

      • PubSubEngine

        public PubSubEngine​(PacketRouter router)
    • Method Detail

      • process

        public Future process​(PubSubService service,
                              org.xmpp.packet.IQ iq)
        Handles IQ packets sent to the pubsub service. Requests of disco#info and disco#items are not being handled by the engine. Instead the service itself should handle disco packets.
        service - the PubSub service this action is to be performed for.
        iq - the IQ packet sent to the pubsub service.
        null if the IQ packet was not handled by the engine, otherwise a Future that indicates when processing is complete. Processing will be carried out asynchronously if there is the possibility of sending a disco#info to a remote server, which could block for up to 60 seconds. If processing is carried out synchronously, the returned future completes immediately. Note that the returned future will only return null when it completes.
      • process

        public void process​(PubSubService service,
                            org.xmpp.packet.Presence presence)
        Handles Presence packets sent to the pubsub service. Only process available and not available presences.
        service - the PubSub service this action is to be performed for.
        presence - the Presence packet sent to the pubsub service.
      • process

        public void process​(PubSubService service,
                            org.xmpp.packet.Message message)
        Handles Message packets sent to the pubsub service. Messages may be of type error when an event notification was sent to a susbcriber whose address is no longer available.

        Answers to authorization requests sent to node owners to approve pending subscriptions will also be processed by this method.

        service - the PubSub service this action is to be performed for.
        message - the Message packet sent to the pubsub service.
      • getPublishOptions

        public static org.xmpp.forms.DataForm getPublishOptions​(org.xmpp.packet.IQ iq)
        Get the dataform that describes the publish options from the request, or null if no such form was included.
        iq - The publish request (cannot be null).
        A publish options data form (possibly null).
      • createNodeHelper

        public static PubSubEngine.CreateNodeResponse createNodeHelper​(PubSubService service,
                                                                       org.xmpp.packet.JID requester,
                                                                       org.dom4j.Element configuration,
                                                                       String nodeID,
                                                                       org.xmpp.forms.DataForm publishOptions)
        Checks if the following conditions are satisfied and creates a node - Requester can create nodes - Instant node creation is enabled - Node does not already exist - New node configuration is valid
        NOTE 1: This method should not reply to the client
        NOTE 2: This method calls UserManager::isRegisteredUser(JID) which can block waiting for a response - so do not call this method in the same thread in which a response might arrive
        service - The service instance that's responsible for processing (cannot be null)
        requester - The (full) JID of the entity that performs the action (cannot be null)
        configuration - Optional Configuration dataform, if user requested to configure the node (can be null)
        nodeID - The ID of the node to be created, or null when an instant node is to be created.
        publishOptions - Optional Publishing Options, which are either preconditions or configuration overrides (can be null)
      • getShowPresences

        public static Collection<String> getShowPresences​(PubSubService service,
                                                          org.xmpp.packet.JID subscriber)
        Returns the show values of the last know presence of all connected resources of the specified subscriber. When the subscriber JID is a bare JID then the answered collection will have many entries one for each connected resource. Moreover, if the user is offline then an empty collectin is returned. Available show status is represented by a online value. The rest of the possible show values as defined in RFC 3921.
        service - the PubSub service this action is to be performed for.
        subscriber - the JID of the subscriber. This is not the JID of the affiliate.
        an empty collection when offline. Otherwise, a collection with the show value of each connected resource.
      • presenceSubscriptionNotRequired

        public static void presenceSubscriptionNotRequired​(PubSubService service,
                                                           Node node,
                                                           org.xmpp.packet.JID user)
        Requests the pubsub service to subscribe to the presence of the user. If the service has already subscribed to the user's presence then do nothing.
        service - the PubSub service this action is to be performed for.
        node - the node that originated the subscription request.
        user - the JID of the affiliate to subscribe to his presence.
      • presenceSubscriptionRequired

        public static void presenceSubscriptionRequired​(PubSubService service,
                                                        Node node,
                                                        org.xmpp.packet.JID user)
        Requests the pubsub service to unsubscribe from the presence of the user. If the service was not subscribed to the user's presence or any node still requires to be subscribed to the user presence then do nothing.
        service - the PubSub service this action is to be performed for.
        node - the node that originated the unsubscription request.
        user - the JID of the affiliate to unsubscribe from his presence.