Class MUCRoom

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Externalizable, Serializable, GroupEventListener, Cacheable, org.xmpp.resultsetmanagement.Result

    public class MUCRoom
    extends Object
    implements GroupEventListener, Externalizable, org.xmpp.resultsetmanagement.Result, Cacheable
    A chat room on the chat server manages its users, and enforces its own security rules. A MUCRoom could represent a persistent room which means that its configuration will be maintained in sync with its representation in the database, or it represents a non-persistent room. These rooms have no representation in the database.
    Gaston Dombiak, Guus der Kinderen,
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • occupants

        public final ArrayList<MUCRole> occupants
        All occupants that are associated with this room.
      • isDestroyed

        public boolean isDestroyed
        After a room has been destroyed it may remain in memory, but it won't be possible to use it. When a room is destroyed it is immediately removed from the MultiUserChatService, but it's possible that while the room was being destroyed it was being used by another thread, so we need to protect the room under these rare circumstances.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MUCRoom

        public MUCRoom()
        Do not use this constructor. It was added to implement the Externalizable interface required to work inside a cluster.
      • MUCRoom

        public MUCRoom​(@Nonnull
                       MultiUserChatService chatService,
                       String roomName)
        Create a new chat room.
        chatService - the service hosting the room.
        roomName - the name of the room.
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
        Get the name of this room.
        The name for this room
      • getJID

        public org.xmpp.packet.JID getJID()
        Get the full JID of this room.
        the JID for this room.
      • getMUCService

        public MultiUserChatService getMUCService()
        Get the multi-user chat service the room is attached to.
        the MultiUserChatService instance that the room is attached to.
      • setMUCService

        public void setMUCService​(MultiUserChatService service)
        Sets the multi-user chat service the room is attached to.
        service - The MultiUserChatService that the room is attached to (cannot be null).
      • getID

        public long getID()
        Obtain a unique numerical id for this room. Useful for storing rooms in databases. If the room is persistent or is logging the conversation then the returned ID won't be -1.
        The unique id for this room or -1 if the room is temporary and is not logging the conversation.
      • setID

        public void setID​(long roomID)
        Sets a new room ID if the room has just been saved to the database or sets the saved ID of the room in the database while loading the room.
        roomID - the saved ID of the room in the DB or a new one if the room is being saved to the DB.
      • getCreationDate

        public Date getCreationDate()
        Returns the date when the room was created.
        the date when the room was created.
      • setCreationDate

        public void setCreationDate​(Date creationDate)
        Sets the date when the room was created.
        creationDate - the date when the room was created (cannot be null).
      • getModificationDate

        public Date getModificationDate()
        Returns the last date when the room's configuration was modified. If the room's configuration was never modified then the creation date will be returned.
        the last date when the room's configuration was modified.
      • setModificationDate

        public void setModificationDate​(Date modificationDate)
        Sets the last date when the room's configuration was modified. If the room's configuration was never modified then the initial value will be the same as the creation date.
        modificationDate - the last date when the room's configuration was modified (cannot be null).
      • setEmptyDate

        public void setEmptyDate​(Date emptyDate)
        Sets the date when the last occupant left the room. A null value means that there are occupants in the room at the moment.
        emptyDate - the date when the last occupant left the room or null if there are occupants in the room (can be null).
      • getEmptyDate

        public Date getEmptyDate()
        Returns the date when the last occupant left the room. A null value means that there are occupants in the room at the moment.
        the date when the last occupant left the room or null if there are occupants in the room at the moment.
      • getRole

        public MUCRole getRole()
        Obtain the role of the chat server (mainly for addressing messages and presence).
        The role for the chat room itself
      • getOccupantsByNickname

        public List<MUCRole> getOccupantsByNickname​(String nickname)
                                             throws UserNotFoundException
        Obtain the roles of a given user by nickname. A user can be connected to a room more than once.
        nickname - The nickname of the user you'd like to obtain (cannot be null)
        The user's role in the room
        UserNotFoundException - If there is no user with the given nickname
      • getOccupantsByBareJID

        public List<MUCRole> getOccupantsByBareJID​(org.xmpp.packet.JID jid)
                                            throws UserNotFoundException
        Obtain the roles of a given user in the room by his bare JID. A user can have several roles, one for each client resource from which the user has joined the room.
        jid - The bare jid of the user you'd like to obtain (cannot be null).
        The user's roles in the room
        UserNotFoundException - If there is no user with the given nickname
      • getOccupantByFullJID

        public MUCRole getOccupantByFullJID​(org.xmpp.packet.JID jid)
        Returns the role of a given user in the room by his full JID or null if no role was found for the specified user.
        jid - The full jid of the user you'd like to obtain (cannot be null).
        The user's role in the room or null if not found.
      • getOccupants

        public Collection<MUCRole> getOccupants()
        Obtain the roles of all users in the chatroom.
        a collection with all users in the chatroom
      • getOccupantsCount

        public int getOccupantsCount()
        Returns the number of occupants in the chatroom at the moment.
        int the number of occupants in the chatroom at the moment.
      • hasOccupant

        public boolean hasOccupant​(String nickname)
        Determine if a given nickname is taken.
        nickname - The nickname of the user you'd like to obtain (cannot be null).
        True if a nickname is taken
      • hasOccupant

        public boolean hasOccupant​(org.xmpp.packet.JID jid)
      • getReservedNickname

        public String getReservedNickname​(org.xmpp.packet.JID jid)
        Returns the reserved room nickname for the bare JID or null if none.
        jid - The bare jid of the user of which you'd like to obtain his reserved nickname (cannot be null).
        the reserved room nickname for the bare JID or null if none.
      • getMemberForReservedNickname

        public org.xmpp.packet.JID getMemberForReservedNickname​(String nickname)
        Returns the bare JID of the member for which a nickname is reserved. Returns null if no member registered the nickname.
        nickname - The nickname for which to look up a member. Cannot be null.
        the bare JID of the member that has registered this nickname, or null if none.
      • getAffiliation

        public MUCRole.Affiliation getAffiliation​(@Nonnull
                                                  org.xmpp.packet.JID jid)
        Returns the affiliation state of the user in the room. Possible affiliations are MUCRole.OWNER, MUCRole.ADMINISTRATOR, MUCRole.MEMBER, MUCRole.OUTCAST and MUCRole.NONE. Note: Prerequisite - A lock must already be obtained before sending this message.
        jid - The bare jid of the user of which you'd like to obtain his affiliation (cannot be null).
        the affiliation state of the user in the room.
      • getRole

        public MUCRole.Role getRole​(@Nonnull
                                    org.xmpp.packet.JID jid)
      • alreadyJoinedWithThisNick

        public boolean alreadyJoinedWithThisNick​(@Nonnull
                                                 org.xmpp.packet.JID realJID,
                                                 String nickname)
      • addOccupantRole

        public void addOccupantRole​(@Nonnull
                                    MUCRole role)
        Adds the role of the occupant from all the internal occupants collections.
        role - the role to add.
      • sendLeavePresenceToExistingOccupants

        public CompletableFuture<Void> sendLeavePresenceToExistingOccupants​(MUCRole leaveRole)
        Sends presence of a leaving occupant to applicable occupants of the room that is being left.
        leaveRole - the role of the occupant that is leaving.
      • leaveRoom

        public void leaveRoom​(@Nonnull
                              MUCRole leaveRole)
        Remove a member from the chat room.
        leaveRole - The role that the user that left the room has prior to the user leaving.
      • sendInitialPresenceToExistingOccupants

        public CompletableFuture<Void> sendInitialPresenceToExistingOccupants​(MUCRole joinRole)
        Sends presence of new occupant to existing occupants.
        joinRole - the role of the new occupant in the room.
      • removeOccupantRole

        public void removeOccupantRole​(@Nonnull
                                       MUCRole leaveRole)
        Removes the role of the occupant from all the internal occupants collections. The role will also be removed from the user's roles.
        leaveRole - the role to remove.
      • destroyRoom

        public void destroyRoom​(org.xmpp.packet.JID alternateJID,
                                String reason)
        Destroys the room. Each occupant will be removed and will receive a presence stanza of type "unavailable" whose "from" attribute will be the occupant's nickname that the user knows he or she has been removed from the room.
        alternateJID - an optional alternate JID. Commonly used to provide a replacement room. (can be null)
        reason - an optional reason why the room was destroyed (can be null).
      • createPresence

        public org.xmpp.packet.Presence createPresence​(org.xmpp.packet.Presence.Type presenceType)
        Create a new presence in this room for the given role.
        presenceType - Type of presence to create (cannot be null).
        The new presence
      • serverBroadcast

        public void serverBroadcast​(String msg)
        Broadcast a given message to all members of this chat room. The sender is always set to be the chatroom.
        msg - The message to broadcast (cannot be null)
      • sendPublicMessage

        public void sendPublicMessage​(org.xmpp.packet.Message message,
                                      MUCRole senderRole)
                               throws ForbiddenException
        Sends a message to the all the occupants. In a moderated room, this privilege is restricted to occupants with a role of participant or higher. In an unmoderated room, any occupant can send a message to all other occupants.
        message - The message to send (cannot be null).
        senderRole - the role of the user that is trying to send a public message (cannot be null).
        ForbiddenException - If the user is not allowed to send a public message (i.e. does not have voice in the room).
      • sendPrivatePacket

        public void sendPrivatePacket​(org.xmpp.packet.Packet packet,
                                      MUCRole senderRole)
                               throws NotFoundException,
        Sends a private packet to a selected occupant. The packet can be a Message for private conversation between room occupants or IQ packets when an occupant wants to send IQ packets to other room occupants. If the system property xmpp.muc.allowpm.blockall is set to true, this will block all private packets However, if this property is false (by default) then it will allow non-message private packets. If the system property xmpp.muc.vcard.enabled is set to true, then IQ requests that are VCard requests for occupants of the MUC room are processed differently to allow for VCards to be requested from the home server of the occupant. See MultiUserChatServiceImpl.processVCardResponse(IQ) for details.
        packet - The packet to send.
        senderRole - the role of the user that is trying to send a public message.
        NotFoundException - If the user is sending a packet to a room JID that does not exist.
        ForbiddenException - If a user of this role is not permitted to send private messages in this room.
      • send

        public void send​(@Nonnull
                         org.xmpp.packet.Packet packet,
                         MUCRole sender)
        Sends a packet to the occupants of the room. The second argument defines the sender/originator of the stanza. Typically, this is the same entity that's also the 'subject' of the stanza (eg: someone that changed its presence or nickname). It is important to realize that this needs to be the case. When, for example, an occupant is made a moderator, the 'sender' typically is the entity that granted the role to another entity. It is also possible for the sender to be a reflection of the room itself. This scenario typically occurs when the sender can't be identified as an occupant of the room, such as, for example, changes applied through the Openfire admin console.
        packet - The packet to send
        sender - Representation of the entity that sent the stanza.
      • broadcast

        public void broadcast​(@Nonnull
                              org.xmpp.packet.Presence presence,
                              boolean isJoinPresence)
        Broadcasts the presence stanza as captured by the argument to all occupants that are local to the local domain (in other words, it excludes occupants that are connected via FMUC).
        presence - The presence stanza
        isJoinPresence - If the presence is sent in the context of joining the room.
      • broadcast

        public void broadcast​(@Nonnull
                              org.xmpp.packet.Message message)
        Broadcasts the message stanza as captured by the argument to all occupants that are local to the domain (in other words, it excludes occupants that connected via FMUC). This method also ensures that the broadcast message is logged to persistent storage, if that feature is enabled for this room
        message - The message stanza
      • addRealJidToMessage

        public void addRealJidToMessage​(org.xmpp.packet.Message message,
                                        MUCRole role)
        Based on XEP-0045, section 7.2.13: If the room is non-anonymous, the service MAY include an Extended Stanza Addressing (XEP-0033) [16] element that notes the original full JID of the sender by means of the "ofrom" address type
      • getChatLength

        public long getChatLength()
        Returns the total length of the chat session.
        length of chat session in milliseconds.
      • addFirstOwner

        public void addFirstOwner​(org.xmpp.packet.JID bareJID)
        Adds a new user to the list of owners. The user is the actual creator of the room. Only the MultiUserChatServer should use this method. Regular owners list maintenance MUST be done through addOwner(JID jid,MUCRole).
        bareJID - The bare JID of the user to add as owner (cannot be null).
      • addOwner

        public List<org.xmpp.packet.Presence> addOwner​(org.xmpp.packet.JID jid,
                                                       MUCRole sendRole)
                                                throws ForbiddenException
        Adds a new user to the list of owners.
        jid - The JID of the user to add as owner (cannot be null).
        sendRole - the role of the user that is trying to modify the owners list (cannot be null).
        the list of updated presences of all the client resources that the client used to join the room.
        ForbiddenException - If the user is not allowed to modify the owner list.
      • addAdmin

        public List<org.xmpp.packet.Presence> addAdmin​(org.xmpp.packet.JID jid,
                                                       MUCRole sendRole)
                                                throws ForbiddenException,
        Adds a new user to the list of admins.
        jid - The JID of the user to add as admin (cannot be null).
        sendRole - The role of the user that is trying to modify the admins list (cannot be null).
        the list of updated presences of all the client resources that the client used to join the room.
        ForbiddenException - If the user is not allowed to modify the admin list.
        ConflictException - If the room was going to lose all its owners.
      • addMember

        public List<org.xmpp.packet.Presence> addMember​(org.xmpp.packet.JID jid,
                                                        String nickname,
                                                        MUCRole sendRole)
                                                 throws ForbiddenException,
        Adds a new user to the list of members.
        jid - The JID of the user to add as a member (cannot be null).
        nickname - The reserved nickname of the member for the room or null if none.
        sendRole - the role of the user that is trying to modify the members list (cannot be null).
        the list of updated presences of all the client resources that the client used to join the room.
        ForbiddenException - If the user is not allowed to modify the members list.
        ConflictException - If the desired room nickname is already reserved for the room or if the room was going to lose all its owners.
      • addOutcast

        public List<org.xmpp.packet.Presence> addOutcast​(org.xmpp.packet.JID jid,
                                                         String reason,
                                                         MUCRole senderRole)
                                                  throws NotAllowedException,
        Adds a new user to the list of outcast users.
        jid - The JID of the user to add as an outcast (cannot be null).
        reason - an optional reason why the user was banned (can be null).
        senderRole - The role of the user that initiated the ban (cannot be null).
        the list of updated presences of all the client resources that the client used to join the room.
        NotAllowedException - Thrown if trying to ban an owner or an administrator.
        ForbiddenException - If the user is not allowed to modify the outcast list.
        ConflictException - If the room was going to lose all its owners.
      • addNone

        public List<org.xmpp.packet.Presence> addNone​(org.xmpp.packet.JID jid,
                                                      MUCRole senderRole)
                                               throws ForbiddenException,
        Removes the user from all the other affiliation list thus giving the user a NONE affiliation.
        jid - The JID of the user to keep with a NONE affiliation (cannot be null).
        senderRole - The role of the user that set the affiliation to none (cannot be null).
        the list of updated presences of all the client resources that the client used to join the room or null if none was updated.
        ForbiddenException - If the user is not allowed to modify the none list.
        ConflictException - If the room was going to lose all its owners.
      • isLocked

        public boolean isLocked()
        Returns true if the room is locked. The lock will persist for a defined period of time. If the room owner does not configure the room within the timeout period, the room owner is assumed to have accepted the default configuration.
        true if the room is locked.
      • isManuallyLocked

        public boolean isManuallyLocked()
        Returns true if the room is locked and it was locked by a room owner after the room was initially configured.
        true if the room is locked and it was locked by a room owner after the room was initially configured.
      • presenceUpdated

        public void presenceUpdated​(MUCRole occupantRole,
                                    org.xmpp.packet.Presence newPresence)
        An event callback fired whenever an occupant updated his presence in the chatroom. Handles occupants updating their presence in the chatroom. Assumes the user updates their presence whenever their availability in the room changes. This method should not be called to handle other presence related updates, such as nickname changes.
        occupantRole - occupant that changed his presence in the room (cannot be null).
        newPresence - presence sent by the occupant (cannot be null).
      • nicknameChanged

        public void nicknameChanged​(MUCRole occupantRole,
                                    org.xmpp.packet.Presence newPresence,
                                    String oldNick,
                                    String newNick)
        An event callback fired whenever an occupant changes his nickname within the chatroom.
        occupantRole - occupant that changed his nickname in the room (cannot be null).
        newPresence - presence sent by the occupant with the new nickname (cannot be null).
        oldNick - old nickname within the room (cannot be null).
        newNick - new nickname within the room (cannot be null).
      • changeSubject

        public void changeSubject​(org.xmpp.packet.Message packet,
                                  MUCRole role)
                           throws ForbiddenException
        Changes the room's subject if the occupant has enough permissions. The occupant must be a moderator or the room must be configured so that anyone can change its subject, otherwise a forbidden exception will be thrown. The new subject will be added to the history of the room.
        packet - the stanza used to change the room's subject (cannot be null).
        role - the role of the user that is trying to change the subject (cannot be null).
        ForbiddenException - If the user is not allowed to change the subject.
      • getSubject

        public String getSubject()
        Returns the last subject that some occupant set to the room.
        the last subject that some occupant set to the room.
      • setSubject

        public void setSubject​(String subject)
        Sets the last subject that some occupant set to the room. This message will only be used when loading a room from the database.
        subject - the last known subject of the room (cannot be null).
      • sendInvitation

        public void sendInvitation​(org.xmpp.packet.JID to,
                                   String reason,
                                   MUCRole senderRole,
                                   List<org.dom4j.Element> extensions)
                            throws ForbiddenException,
        Sends an invitation to a user. The invitation will be sent as if the room is inviting the user. The invitation will include the original occupant that sent the invitation together with the reason for the invitation if any. Since the invitee could be offline at the moment we need the originating session so that the offline strategy could potentially bounce the message with the invitation.
        to - the JID of the user that is being invited.
        reason - the reason of the invitation or null if none.
        senderRole - the role of the occupant that sent the invitation.
        extensions - the list of extensions sent with the original message invitation or null if none.
        ForbiddenException - If the user is not allowed to send the invitation.
        CannotBeInvitedException - (Optionally) If the user being invited does not have access to the room
      • sendInvitationRejection

        public void sendInvitationRejection​(org.xmpp.packet.JID to,
                                            String reason,
                                            org.xmpp.packet.JID sender)
        Sends the rejection to the inviter. The rejection will be sent as if the room is rejecting the invitation is named of the invitee. The rejection will include the address of the invitee together with the reason for the rejection if any. Since the inviter could be offline at the moment we need the originating session so that the offline strategy could potentially bounce the message with the rejection.
        to - the JID of the user that is originated the invitation.
        reason - the reason for the rejection or null if none.
        sender - the JID of the invitee that is rejecting the invitation.
      • getRoomHistory

        public MUCRoomHistory getRoomHistory()
        Returns the history of the room which includes chat transcripts.
        the history of the room which includes chat transcripts.
      • getOwners

        public Collection<org.xmpp.packet.JID> getOwners()
        Returns a collection with the current list of owners. The collection contains the bareJID of the users with owner affiliation.
        a collection with the current list of owners.
      • getAdmins

        public Collection<org.xmpp.packet.JID> getAdmins()
        Returns a collection with the current list of admins. The collection contains the bareJID of the users with admin affiliation.
        a collection with the current list of admins.
      • getMembers

        public Collection<org.xmpp.packet.JID> getMembers()
        Returns a collection with the current list of room members. The collection contains the bareJID of the users with member affiliation. If the room is not members-only then the list will contain the users that registered with the room and therefore they may have reserved a nickname.
        a collection with the current list of members.
      • getOutcasts

        public Collection<org.xmpp.packet.JID> getOutcasts()
        Returns a collection with the current list of outcast users. An outcast user is not allowed to join the room again. The collection contains the bareJID of the users with outcast affiliation.
        a collection with the current list of outcast users.
      • getModerators

        public Collection<MUCRole> getModerators()
        Returns a collection with the current list of room moderators. The collection contains the MUCRole of the occupants with moderator role.
        a collection with the current list of moderators.
      • getParticipants

        public Collection<MUCRole> getParticipants()
        Returns a collection with the current list of room participants. The collection contains the MUCRole of the occupants with participant role.
        a collection with the current list of moderators.
      • addModerator

        public org.xmpp.packet.Presence addModerator​(org.xmpp.packet.JID jid,
                                                     MUCRole senderRole)
                                              throws ForbiddenException
        Changes the role of the user within the room to moderator. A moderator is allowed to kick occupants as well as granting/revoking voice from occupants.
        jid - The full JID of the occupant to give moderator privileges (cannot be null).
        senderRole - The role of the user that is granting moderator privileges to an occupant (cannot be null).
        the updated presence of the occupant or null if the JID does not belong to an existing occupant.
        ForbiddenException - If the user is not allowed to grant moderator privileges.
      • addParticipant

        public org.xmpp.packet.Presence addParticipant​(org.xmpp.packet.JID jid,
                                                       String reason,
                                                       MUCRole senderRole)
                                                throws NotAllowedException,
        Changes the role of the user within the room to participant. A participant is allowed to send messages to the room (i.e. has voice) and may change the room's subject.
        jid - The full JID of the occupant to give participant privileges (cannot be null).
        reason - The reason why participant privileges were given to the user or null if none.
        senderRole - The role of the user that is granting participant privileges to an occupant (cannot be null).
        the updated presence of the occupant or null if the JID does not belong to an existing occupant.
        NotAllowedException - If trying to change the moderator role to an owner or an admin.
        ForbiddenException - If the user is not allowed to grant participant privileges.
      • addVisitor

        public org.xmpp.packet.Presence addVisitor​(org.xmpp.packet.JID jid,
                                                   MUCRole senderRole)
                                            throws NotAllowedException,
        Changes the role of the user within the room to visitor. A visitor can receive messages but is not allowed to send messages to the room (i.e. does not have voice) and may invite others to the room.
        jid - the full JID of the occupant to change to visitor (cannot be null).
        senderRole - the role of the user that is changing the role to visitor (cannot be null).
        the updated presence of the occupant or null if the JID does not belong to an existing occupant.
        NotAllowedException - if trying to change the moderator role to an owner or an admin.
        ForbiddenException - if the user is not a moderator.
      • kickOccupant

        public org.xmpp.packet.Presence kickOccupant​(org.xmpp.packet.JID jid,
                                                     org.xmpp.packet.JID actorJID,
                                                     String actorNickname,
                                                     String reason)
                                              throws NotAllowedException
        Kicks a user from the room. If the user was in the room, the returned updated presence will be sent to the remaining occupants.
        jid - The full JID of the kicked user (cannot be null).
        actorJID - The JID of the actor that initiated the kick (cannot be null).
        actorNickname - The actor nickname.
        reason - An optional reason why the user was kicked (can be null).
        the updated presence of the kicked user or null if the user was not in the room.
        NotAllowedException - Thrown if trying to ban an owner or an administrator.
      • canAnyoneDiscoverJID

        public boolean canAnyoneDiscoverJID()
        Returns true if every presence packet will include the JID of every occupant. This configuration can be modified by the owner while editing the room's configuration.
        true if every presence packet will include the JID of every occupant.
      • setCanAnyoneDiscoverJID

        public void setCanAnyoneDiscoverJID​(boolean canAnyoneDiscoverJID)
        Sets if every presence packet will include the JID of every occupant. This configuration can be modified by the owner while editing the room's configuration.
        canAnyoneDiscoverJID - boolean that specifies if every presence packet will include the JID of every occupant.
      • canSendPrivateMessage

        public String canSendPrivateMessage()
        Returns the minimal role of persons that are allowed to send private messages in the room. The returned value is any one of: "anyone", "moderators", "participants", "none".
        The minimal role of persons that are allowed to send private messages in the room (never null).
      • setCanSendPrivateMessage

        public void setCanSendPrivateMessage​(String role)
        Sets the minimal role of persons that are allowed to send private messages in the room. The provided value is any one of: "anyone", "moderators", "participants", "none". If another value is set, "anyone" is used instead.
        role - The minimal role of persons that are allowed to send private messages in the room (never null).
      • canOccupantsChangeSubject

        public boolean canOccupantsChangeSubject()
        Returns true if participants are allowed to change the room's subject.
        true if participants are allowed to change the room's subject.
      • setCanOccupantsChangeSubject

        public void setCanOccupantsChangeSubject​(boolean canOccupantsChangeSubject)
        Sets if participants are allowed to change the room's subject.
        canOccupantsChangeSubject - boolean that specifies if participants are allowed to change the room's subject.
      • canOccupantsInvite

        public boolean canOccupantsInvite()
        Returns true if occupants can invite other users to the room. If the room does not require an invitation to enter (i.e. is not members-only) then any occupant can send invitations. On the other hand, if the room is members-only and occupants cannot send invitation then only the room owners and admins are allowed to send invitations.
        true if occupants can invite other users to the room.
      • setCanOccupantsInvite

        public void setCanOccupantsInvite​(boolean canOccupantsInvite)
        Sets if occupants can invite other users to the room. If the room does not require an invitation to enter (i.e. is not members-only) then any occupant can send invitations. On the other hand, if the room is members-only and occupants cannot send invitation then only the room owners and admins are allowed to send invitations.
        canOccupantsInvite - boolean that specified in any occupant can invite other users to the room.
      • getNaturalLanguageName

        public String getNaturalLanguageName()
        Returns the natural language name of the room. This name can only be modified by room owners. It's mainly used for users while discovering rooms hosted by the Multi-User Chat service.
        the natural language name of the room.
      • setNaturalLanguageName

        public void setNaturalLanguageName​(String naturalLanguageName)
        Sets the natural language name of the room. This name can only be modified by room owners. It's mainly used for users while discovering rooms hosted by the Multi-User Chat service.
        naturalLanguageName - the natural language name of the room.
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription()
        Returns a description set by the room's owners about the room. This information will be used when discovering extended information about the room.
        a description set by the room's owners about the room.
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(String description)
        Sets a description set by the room's owners about the room. This information will be used when discovering extended information about the room.
        description - a description set by the room's owners about the room.
      • isMembersOnly

        public boolean isMembersOnly()
        Returns true if the room requires an invitation to enter. That is if the room is members-only.
        true if the room requires an invitation to enter.
      • setMembersOnly

        public List<org.xmpp.packet.Presence> setMembersOnly​(boolean membersOnly)
        Sets if the room requires an invitation to enter. That is if the room is members-only.
        membersOnly - if true then the room is members-only.
        the list of updated presences of all the occupants that aren't members of the room if the room is now members-only.
      • isLogEnabled

        public boolean isLogEnabled()
        Returns true if the room's conversation is being logged. If logging is activated the room conversation will be saved to the database every couple of minutes. The saving frequency is the same for all the rooms and can be configured by changing the property "xmpp.muc.tasks.log.timeout" of MultiUserChatServerImpl.
        true if the room's conversation is being logged.
      • setLogEnabled

        public void setLogEnabled​(boolean logEnabled)
        Sets if the room's conversation is being logged. If logging is activated the room conversation will be saved to the database every couple of minutes. The saving frequency is the same for all the rooms and can be configured by changing the property "xmpp.muc.tasks.log.timeout" of MultiUserChatServerImpl.
        logEnabled - boolean that specified if the room's conversation must be logged.
      • setLoginRestrictedToNickname

        public void setLoginRestrictedToNickname​(boolean restricted)
        Sets if registered users can only join the room using their registered nickname. A not_acceptable error will be returned if the user tries to join the room with a nickname different from the reserved nickname.
        restricted - if registered users can only join the room using their registered nickname.
      • isLoginRestrictedToNickname

        public boolean isLoginRestrictedToNickname()
        Returns true if registered users can only join the room using their registered nickname. By default, registered users can join the room using any nickname. A not_acceptable error will be returned if the user tries to join the room with a nickname different from the reserved nickname.
        true if registered users can only join the room using their registered nickname.
      • setChangeNickname

        public void setChangeNickname​(boolean canChange)
        Sets if room occupants are allowed to change their nicknames in the room. By default, occupants are allowed to change their nicknames. A not_acceptable error will be returned if an occupant tries to change his nickname and this feature is not enabled. Notice that this feature is not supported by the MUC spec so answering a not_acceptable error may break some clients.
        canChange - if room occupants are allowed to change their nicknames in the room.
      • canChangeNickname

        public boolean canChangeNickname()
        Returns true if room occupants are allowed to change their nicknames in the room. By default, occupants are allowed to change their nicknames. A not_acceptable error will be returned if an occupant tries to change his nickname and this feature is not enabled. Notice that this feature is not supported by the MUC spec so answering a not_acceptable error may break some clients.
        true if room occupants are allowed to change their nicknames in the room.
      • setRegistrationEnabled

        public void setRegistrationEnabled​(boolean registrationEnabled)
        Sets if users are allowed to register with the room. By default, room registration is enabled. A not_allowed error will be returned if a user tries to register with the room and this feature is disabled.
        registrationEnabled - if users are allowed to register with the room.
      • isRegistrationEnabled

        public boolean isRegistrationEnabled()
        Returns true if users are allowed to register with the room. By default, room registration is enabled. A not_allowed error will be returned if a user tries to register with the room and this feature is disabled.
        true if users are allowed to register with the room.
      • setFmucEnabled

        public void setFmucEnabled​(boolean fmucEnabled)
        Sets if this room accepts FMUC joins. By default, FMUC functionality is not enabled. When joining nodes are attempting a join, a rejection will be returned when this feature is disabled.
      • isFmucEnabled

        public boolean isFmucEnabled()
        Returns true if this room accepts FMUC joins. By default, FMUC functionality is not enabled. When joining nodes are attempting a join, a rejection will be returned when this feature is disabled.
      • setFmucOutboundNode

        public void setFmucOutboundNode​(org.xmpp.packet.JID fmucOutboundNode)
        Sets the address of the MUC room (typically on a remote XMPP domain) to which this room should initiate FMUC federation. In this federation, the local node takes the role of the 'joining' node, while the remote node takes the role of the 'joined' node. When this room is not expected to initiate federation (note that it can still accept inbound federation attempts) then this method returns null. Although a room can accept multiple inbound joins (where it acts as a 'parent' node), it can initiate only one outbound join at a time (where it acts as a 'child' node).
        fmucOutboundNode - Address of peer for to-be-initiated outbound FMUC federation, possibly null.
      • getFmucOutboundNode

        public org.xmpp.packet.JID getFmucOutboundNode()
        Returns the address of the MUC room (typically on a remote XMPP domain) to which this room should initiate FMUC federation. In this federation, the local node takes the role of the 'joining' node, while the remote node takes the role of the 'joined' node. When this room is not expected to initiate federation (note that it can still accept inbound federation attempts) then this method returns null. Although a room can accept multiple inbound joins (where it acts as a 'parent' node), it can initiate only one outbound join at a time (where it acts as a 'child' node).
        Address of peer for to-be-initiated outbound FMUC federation, possibly null.
      • setFmucOutboundMode

        public void setFmucOutboundMode​(FMUCMode fmucOutboundMode)
        Sets the 'mode' that describes the FMUC configuration is captured in the supplied object, which is either master-master or master-slave.
        fmucOutboundMode - FMUC mode applied to outbound FMUC federation attempts.
      • getFmucOutboundMode

        public FMUCMode getFmucOutboundMode()
        Returns the 'mode' that describes the FMUC configuration is captured in the supplied object, which is either master-master or master-slave. This method should return null only when no outbound federation should be attempted.
        FMUC mode applied to outbound FMUC federation attempts.
      • setFmucInboundNodes

        public void setFmucInboundNodes​(Set<org.xmpp.packet.JID> fmucInboundNodes)
        A set of addresses of MUC rooms (typically on a remote XMPP domain) that defines the list of rooms that is permitted to federate with the local room. A null value is to be interpreted as allowing all rooms to be permitted. An empty set of addresses is to be interpreted as disallowing all rooms to be permitted.
        fmucInboundNodes - A list of rooms allowed to join, possibly empty, possibly null
      • getFmucInboundNodes

        public Set<org.xmpp.packet.JID> getFmucInboundNodes()
        A set of addresses of MUC rooms (typically on a remote XMPP domain) that defines the list of rooms that is permitted to federate with the local room. A null value is to be interpreted as allowing all rooms to be permitted. An empty set of addresses is to be interpreted as disallowing all rooms to be permitted.
        A list of rooms allowed to join, possibly empty, possibly null
      • getMaxUsers

        public int getMaxUsers()
        Returns the maximum number of occupants that can be simultaneously in the room. If the number is zero then there is no limit.
        the maximum number of occupants that can be simultaneously in the room. Zero means unlimited number of occupants.
      • setMaxUsers

        public void setMaxUsers​(int maxUsers)
        Sets the maximum number of occupants that can be simultaneously in the room. If the number is zero then there is no limit.
        maxUsers - the maximum number of occupants that can be simultaneously in the room. Zero means unlimited number of occupants.
      • isModerated

        public boolean isModerated()
        Returns if the room in which only those with "voice" may send messages to all occupants.
        if the room in which only those with "voice" may send messages to all occupants.
      • setModerated

        public void setModerated​(boolean moderated)
        Sets if the room in which only those with "voice" may send messages to all occupants.
        moderated - if the room in which only those with "voice" may send messages to all occupants.
      • getPassword

        public String getPassword()
        Returns the password that the user must provide to enter the room.
        the password that the user must provide to enter the room.
      • setPassword

        public void setPassword​(String password)
        Sets the password that the user must provide to enter the room.
        password - the password that the user must provide to enter the room.
      • isPasswordProtected

        public boolean isPasswordProtected()
        Returns true if a user cannot enter without first providing the correct password.
        true if a user cannot enter without first providing the correct password.
      • isPersistent

        public boolean isPersistent()
        Returns true if the room is not destroyed if the last occupant exits. Persistent rooms are saved to the database to make their configurations persistent together with the affiliation of the users.
        true if the room is not destroyed if the last occupant exits.
      • wasSavedToDB

        public boolean wasSavedToDB()
        Returns true if the room has already been made persistent. If the room is temporary the answer will always be false.
        true if the room has already been made persistent.
      • setSavedToDB

        public void setSavedToDB​(boolean saved)
        Sets if the room has already been made persistent.
        saved - boolean that indicates if the room was saved to the database.
      • setPersistent

        public void setPersistent​(boolean persistent)
        Sets if the room is not destroyed if the last occupant exits. Persistent rooms are saved to the database to make their configurations persistent together with the affiliation of the users.
        persistent - if the room is not destroyed if the last occupant exits.
      • isPublicRoom

        public boolean isPublicRoom()
        Returns true if the room is searchable and visible through service discovery.
        true if the room is searchable and visible through service discovery.
      • setPublicRoom

        public void setPublicRoom​(boolean publicRoom)
        Sets if the room is searchable and visible through service discovery.
        publicRoom - if the room is searchable and visible through service discovery.
      • getRolesToBroadcastPresence

        public List<MUCRole.Role> getRolesToBroadcastPresence()
        Returns the list of roles of which presence will be broadcast to the rest of the occupants. This feature is useful for implementing "invisible" occupants.
        the list of roles of which presence will be broadcast to the rest of the occupants.
      • setRolesToBroadcastPresence

        public void setRolesToBroadcastPresence​(@Nonnull
                                                List<MUCRole.Role> rolesToBroadcastPresence)
        Sets the list of roles of which presence will be broadcast to the rest of the occupants. This feature is useful for implementing "invisible" occupants.
        rolesToBroadcastPresence - the list of roles of which presence will be broadcast to the rest of the occupants.
      • canBroadcastPresence

        public boolean canBroadcastPresence​(@Nonnull
                                            MUCRole.Role roleToBroadcast)
        Returns true if the presences of the requested role will be broadcast.
        roleToBroadcast - the role to check if its presences will be broadcast.
        true if the presences of the requested role will be broadcast.
      • lock

        public void lock​(MUCRole senderRole)
                  throws ForbiddenException
        Locks the room so that users cannot join the room. Only the owner of the room can lock/unlock the room.
        senderRole - the role of the occupant that locked the room.
        ForbiddenException - If the user is not an owner of the room.
      • unlock

        public void unlock​(MUCRole senderRole)
                    throws ForbiddenException
        Unlocks the room so that users can join the room. The room is locked when created and only the owner of the room can unlock it by sending the configuration form to the Multi-User Chat service.
        senderRole - the role of the occupant that unlocked the room.
        ForbiddenException - If the user is not an owner of the room.
      • setLockedDate

        public void setLockedDate​(Date lockedTime)
        Sets the date when the room was locked. Initially when the room is created it is locked so the locked date is the creation date of the room. Afterwards, the room may be manually locked and unlocked so the locked date may be in these cases different from the creation date. A Date with time 0 means that the room is unlocked.
        lockedTime - the date when the room was locked.
      • getLockedDate

        public Date getLockedDate()
        Returns the date when the room was locked. Initially when the room is created it is locked so the locked date is the creation date of the room. Afterwards, the room may be manually locked and unlocked so the locked date may be in these cases different from the creation date. When the room is unlocked a Date with time 0 is returned.
        the date when the room was locked.
      • addAdmins

        public List<org.xmpp.packet.Presence> addAdmins​(List<org.xmpp.packet.JID> newAdmins,
                                                        MUCRole senderRole)
                                                 throws ForbiddenException,
        Adds a list of users to the list of admins.
        newAdmins - the list of bare JIDs of the users to add to the list of existing admins (cannot be null).
        senderRole - the role of the user that is trying to modify the admins list (cannot be null).
        the list of updated presences of all the clients resources that the clients used to join the room.
        ForbiddenException - If the user is not allowed to modify the admin list.
        ConflictException - If the room was going to lose all its owners.
      • addOwners

        public List<org.xmpp.packet.Presence> addOwners​(List<org.xmpp.packet.JID> newOwners,
                                                        MUCRole senderRole)
                                                 throws ForbiddenException
        Adds a list of users to the list of owners.
        newOwners - the list of bare JIDs of the users to add to the list of existing owners (cannot be null).
        senderRole - the role of the user that is trying to modify the owners list (cannot be null).
        the list of updated presences of all the clients resources that the clients used to join the room.
        ForbiddenException - If the user is not allowed to modify the owner list.
      • saveToDB

        public void saveToDB()
        Saves the room configuration to the DB. After the room has been saved to the DB it will become persistent.
      • getCachedSize

        public int getCachedSize()
                          throws CannotCalculateSizeException
        Description copied from interface: Cacheable
        Returns the approximate size of the Object in bytes. The size should be considered to be a best estimate of how much memory the Object occupies and may be based on empirical trials or dynamic calculations.

        Specified by:
        getCachedSize in interface Cacheable
        the size of the Object in bytes.
        CannotCalculateSizeException - if the size cannot be calculated
      • updateConfiguration

        public void updateConfiguration​(MUCRoom otherRoom)
      • getUID

        public String getUID()
        Specified by:
        getUID in interface org.xmpp.resultsetmanagement.Result
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • groupModified

        public void groupModified​(Group group,
                                  Map params)
        Description copied from interface: GroupEventListener
        A group's name, description, or an extended property was changed.
        Specified by:
        groupModified in interface GroupEventListener
        group - the group.
        params - event parameters.
      • adminAdded

        public void adminAdded​(Group group,
                               Map params)
        Description copied from interface: GroupEventListener
        An administrator was added to a group.
        Specified by:
        adminAdded in interface GroupEventListener
        group - the group.
        params - event parameters.
      • adminRemoved

        public void adminRemoved​(Group group,
                                 Map params)
        Description copied from interface: GroupEventListener
        An administrator was removed from a group.
        Specified by:
        adminRemoved in interface GroupEventListener
        group - the group.
        params - event parameters.