Class Group

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Externalizable, Serializable, Cacheable

    public class Group
    extends Object
    implements Cacheable, Externalizable
    Groups organize users into a single entity for easier management. As grouped entities are thought to represent end-user entities, a group can be thought of as a collection of bare (not full) JIDs. The method of the Group class and its associated API will accept both bare and full JIDs, but are expected to 'cast down' a full JID to a bare JID prior to processing it. The actual group implementation is controlled by the GroupProvider, which includes things like the group name, the members, and administrators. Each group also has properties, which are always stored in the Openfire database.
    Matt Tucker
    See Also:
    GroupManager.createGroup(String), Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        public static final String SHARED_ROSTER_SHOW_IN_ROSTER_PROPERTY_KEY
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String SHARED_ROSTER_DISPLAY_NAME_PROPERTY_KEY
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String SHARED_ROSTER_GROUP_LIST_PROPERTY_KEY
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • Group

        public Group()
        Constructor added for Externalizable. Do not use this constructor.
      • Group

        public Group​(String name,
                     String description,
                     Collection<org.xmpp.packet.JID> members,
                     Collection<org.xmpp.packet.JID> administrators)
        Constructs a new group. Note: this constructor is intended for implementors of the GroupProvider interface. To create a new group, use the GroupManager.createGroup(String) method.
        name - the name.
        description - the description.
        members - a Collection of the group members.
        administrators - a Collection of the group administrators.
      • Group

        public Group​(String name,
                     String description,
                     Collection<org.xmpp.packet.JID> members,
                     Collection<org.xmpp.packet.JID> administrators,
                     Map<String,​String> properties)
        Constructs a new group. Note: this constructor is intended for implementors of the GroupProvider interface. To create a new group, use the GroupManager.createGroup(String) method.
        name - the name.
        description - the description.
        members - a Collection of the group members.
        administrators - a Collection of the group administrators.
        properties - a Map of properties with names and its values.
    • Method Detail

      • getJID

        public GroupJID getJID()
        Returns a JID for the group based on the group name. This instance will be of class GroupJID to distinguish it from other types of JIDs in the system. This method is synchronized to ensure each group has only a single JID instance created via lazy instantiation.
        A JID for the group.
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Returns the name of the group. For example, 'XYZ Admins'.
        the name of the group.
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
        Sets the name of the group. For example, 'XYZ Admins'. This method is restricted to those with group administration permission.
        name - the name for the group.
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription()
        Returns the description of the group. The description often summarizes a group's function, such as 'Administrators of the XYZ forum'.
        the description of the group.
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(String description)
        Sets the description of the group. The description often summarizes a group's function, such as 'Administrators of the XYZ forum'. This method is restricted to those with group administration permission.
        description - the description of the group.
      • getProperties

        public PersistableMap<String,​String> getProperties()
        Returns all extended properties of the group. Groups have an arbitrary number of extended properties. The returned collection can be modified to add new properties or remove existing ones.
        the extended properties.
      • shareWithNobody

        public void shareWithNobody()
        Disable contact list group sharing for this group.
      • shareWithEverybody

        public void shareWithEverybody​(@Nonnull
                                       String displayName)
        Enable contact list group sharing for this group. The group is shared on the contact list of all users defined in Openfire: every user in this group is added to the contact list of every user in Openfire, grouped by the provided display name.
        displayName - The name of the group that as shown in the contact lists of users.
      • shareWithUsersInSameGroup

        public void shareWithUsersInSameGroup​(@Nonnull
                                              String displayName)
        Enable contact list group sharing for this group. The group is shared on the contact list of all users in the same group: every user in this group is added to the contact list of every other user in the group, grouped by the provided display name.
        displayName - The name of the group that as shown in the contact lists of users.
      • shareWithUsersInGroups

        public void shareWithUsersInGroups​(@Nonnull
                                           List<String> groupNames,
                                           String displayName)
        Enable contact list group sharing for this group. The group is shared on the contact list of all users in each of the provided group: every user in this group is added to the contact list of every user in each of the provided other groups, grouped by the provided display name.
        groupNames - Name of groups for which all users should
        displayName - The name of the group that as shown in the contact lists of users.
      • getSharedDisplayName

        public String getSharedDisplayName()
        When contact list group sharing has been enabled, the users in his group will be added to the contact list of every entity that the group is shared with. On their contact lists, the users from this group will be added to a group by a name that is equal to the return value of this method. This method may return a null value when contact list sharing has not yet been configured, or an empty string when it has explicitly been configured to be disabled ("share with nobody").
        A name to be used for a contact list group when sharing is enabled.
      • getSharedWith

        public SharedGroupVisibility getSharedWith()
        Defines to which entities this group is shared, using the contact list group sharing. This method can return 'nobody', which differs from a 'null' value, which is returned when contact list sharing has not yet been configured. When 'usersOfGroups' is returned, getSharedWithUsersInGroupNames() should be used to determine which to which groups this group is shared.
        To which users this group is shared with.
      • getSharedWithUsersInGroupNames

        public List<String> getSharedWithUsersInGroupNames()
        Defines the groups of users with which this group is shared if contact list group sharing is enabled and this group is shared with (other) groups (as defined by getSharedWith()).
        A collection of group names, possibly empty.
      • getAll

        public Collection<org.xmpp.packet.JID> getAll()
        Returns a read-only, unmodifiable collection of everyone in the group.
        a read-only Collection of the group administrators + members.
      • getAdmins

        public Collection<org.xmpp.packet.JID> getAdmins()
        Returns a Collection of the group administrators. Changes made the collection will be applied and persisted via the GroupProvider.
        a Collection of the group administrators.
      • getMembers

        public Collection<org.xmpp.packet.JID> getMembers()
        Returns a Collection of the group members. Changes made the collection will be applied and persisted via the GroupProvider.
        a Collection of the group members.
      • isUser

        public boolean isUser​(org.xmpp.packet.JID user)
        Returns true if the provided JID belongs to a user that is part of the group.
        user - the JID address of the user to check.
        true if the specified user is a group user.
      • isUser

        public boolean isUser​(String username)
        Returns true if the provided username belongs to a user of the group.
        username - the username to check.
        true if the provided username belongs to a user of the group.
      • getCachedSize

        public int getCachedSize()
                          throws CannotCalculateSizeException
        Description copied from interface: Cacheable
        Returns the approximate size of the Object in bytes. The size should be considered to be a best estimate of how much memory the Object occupies and may be based on empirical trials or dynamic calculations.

        Specified by:
        getCachedSize in interface Cacheable
        the size of the Object in bytes.
        CannotCalculateSizeException - if the size cannot be calculated
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • search

        public static boolean search​(org.xmpp.packet.JID needle,
                                     Object haystack)
        Search for a JID within a group. If the given haystack is not resolvable to a group, this method returns false.
        needle - A JID, possibly a member/admin of the given group
        haystack - Presumably a Group, a Group name, or a JID that represents a Group
        true if the JID (needle) is found in the group (haystack)
      • resolveFrom

        public static Group resolveFrom​(Object proxy)
        Attempt to resolve the given object into a Group.
        proxy - Presumably a Group, a Group name, or a JID that represents a Group
        The corresponding group, or null if the proxy cannot be resolved as a group