Package org.jivesoftware.smack.packet
XML stanzas and extension elements that are part of the XMPP protocol.
Interface Summary Interface Description Element Interface to represent a XML element.ExtensionElement Interface to represent extension elements.FullyQualifiedElement IqView MessageView NamedElement Interface to represent a XML element.Nonza A Nonza, i.e everything that is not a stanza as defined RFC 6120 8.PresenceView StanzaView TopLevelStreamElement A XMPP top level stream element.XmlLangElement -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractError AbstractError.Builder<B extends AbstractError.Builder<B>> AbstractIqBuilder<IB extends AbstractIqBuilder<IB>> AbstractTextElement Bind IQ stanza used by Smack to bind a resource and to obtain the jid assigned by the server.Bind.Feature EmptyResultIQ ErrorIQ An XMPP error IQ.ErrorIQ.Builder IQ The base IQ (Info/Query) packet.IQ.IQChildElementXmlStringBuilder IqBuilder<IB extends IqBuilder<IB,I>,I extends IQ> IqData Mechanisms Message Represents XMPP message packets.Message.Body Represents a message body, its language and the content of the message.Message.Subject Represents a message subject, its language and the content of the subject.Message.Thread MessageBuilder MessageOrPresence<MPB extends MessageOrPresenceBuilder<?,?>> MessageOrPresenceBuilder<MP extends MessageOrPresence<? extends MessageOrPresenceBuilder<MP,SB>>,SB extends StanzaBuilder<SB>> Presence Represents XMPP presence stanzas.PresenceBuilder Session IQ stanza that will be sent to the server to establish a session.Session.Feature SimpleIQ A simple IQ.StandardExtensionElement AnExtensionElement
modeling the often required and used XML features when using XMPP.StandardExtensionElement.Builder Stanza Base class for XMPP Stanzas, which are called Stanza in older versions of Smack (i.e.StanzaBuilder<B extends StanzaBuilder<B>> StanzaError Represents an XMPP error sub-packet.StanzaError.Builder StanzaErrorTextElement StanzaFactory StartTls StreamClose StreamError Represents a stream error packet.StreamOpen The stream open tag.TlsFailure TlsProceed UnparsedIQ An IQ stanzas that could not be parsed because no provider was found.XmlEnvironment XmlEnvironment.Builder -
Enum Summary Enum Description IQ.ResponseType IQ.Type A enum to represent the type of the IQ stanza.Message.Type Represents the type of a message.Presence.Mode An enum to represent the presence mode.Presence.Type An enum to represent the presence type.StanzaError.Condition StanzaError.Type A class to represent the type of the Error.StreamError.Condition The defined stream error conditions, see RFC 6120 ยง 4.9.3.StreamOpen.StreamContentNamespace