Agent |
The Agent class is used to represent one agent in a Workgroup Queue.
AgentRoster |
Manges information about the agents in a workgroup and their presence.
AgentRosterListener |
Agent roster listener.
Offer |
A class embodying the semantic agent chat offer; specific instances allow the acceptance or
rejecting of the offer.
OfferConfirmation |
OfferContent |
Type of content being included in the offer.
OfferListener |
An interface which all classes interested in hearing about chat offers associated to a particular
AgentSession instance should implement.
QueueUsersListener |
RevokedOffer |
An immutable simple class to embody the information concerning a revoked offer, this is namely
the reason, the workgroup, the userJID, and the timestamp which the message was received.
WorkgroupQueue |
A queue in a workgroup, which is a pool of agents that are routed a specific type of
chat request.
WorkgroupQueue.Status |
A class to represent the status of the workgroup.