Package org.jivesoftware.smackx.jingleold.mediaimpl.sshare.api
package org.jivesoftware.smackx.jingleold.mediaimpl.sshare.api
TODO describe me.
ClassDescriptionA convenience class which implements those methods of BufferedImageOp which are rarely changed.Implements a default PNG decoder.Implements a default PNG Encoder.Image Decoder Interface use this interface if you want to change the default decoder.Image Encoder Interface use this interface if you want to change the default encoder.UDP Image Receiver.UDP Image Receiver.An image Quantizer based on the Octree algorithm.Some more useful math functions for image processing.A filter which quantizes an image to a set number of colors - useful for producing images which are to be encoded using an index color model.The interface for an image quantizer.A filter which acts as a superclass for filters which need to have the whole image in memory to do their stuff.