Package org.jivesoftware.smackx.hoxt

package org.jivesoftware.smackx.hoxt
Smack's API for XEP-0332: HTTP over XMPP transport.

Discover HOXT support


Before using this extension you must ensure that your counterpart supports it also.


Once you have your ServiceDiscoveryManager you will be able to discover information associated with an XMPP entity. To discover the information of a given XMPP entity send discoverInfo(entityID) to your ServiceDiscoveryManager where entityID is the ID of the entity. The message discoverInfo(entityID) will answer with an instance of DiscoverInfo that contains the discovered information.


In this example we can see how to check if the counterpart supports HOXT:

 // Obtain the ServiceDiscoveryManager associated with my XMPPConnection
 ServiceDiscoveryManager discoManager = ServiceDiscoveryManager.getInstanceFor(connection);
 // Get the information of a given XMPP entity, where entityID is a Jid
 DiscoverInfo discoInfo = discoManager.discoverInfo(entityID);
 // Check if room is HOXT is supported
 boolean isSupported = discoInfo.containsFeature("urn:xmpp:http");

IQ exchange


You can use IQ’s to perform HTTP requests and responses. This is applicable to relatively short requests and responses (due to the limitation of XMPP message size).


First you need to register a StanzaListener to be able to handle intended IQs.

For the HTTP client you:

  • You create and send HttpOverXmppReq request.
  • Then you handle the HttpOverXmppResp response in your StanzaListener.

For the HTTP server you:

  • You handle the HttpOverXmppReq requests in your StanzaListener.
  • And create and send HttpOverXmppResp responses.


In this example we are an HTTP client, so we send a request (POST) and handle the response:

 // create a request body
 String urlEncodedMessage = "I_love_you";

 // prepare headers
 List<Header> headers = new ArrayList<>();
 headers.add(new Header("Host", ""));
 headers.add(new Header("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"));
 headers.add(new Header("Content-Length", Integer.toString(urlEncodedMessage.length())));

 // provide body or request (not mandatory, - empty body is used for GET)
 AbstractHttpOverXmpp.Text child = new AbstractHttpOverXmpp.Text(urlEncodedMessage);
 AbstractHttpOverXmpp.Data data = new AbstractHttpOverXmpp.Data(child);

 // create request
 HttpOverXmppReq req = HttpOverXmppReq.builder()

 // add to, where jid is the Jid of the individual the packet is sent to

 // send it
 connection.sendIqWithResponseCallback(req, new StanzaListener() {
    public void processStanza(Stanza iq) {
         HttpOverXmppResp resp = (HttpOverXmppResp) iq;
         // check HTTP response code
         if (resp.getStatusCode() == 200) {
             // get content of the response
             NamedElement child = resp.getData().getChild();
             // check which type of content of the response arrived
             if (child instanceof AbstractHttpOverXmpp.Xml) {
                 // print the message and anxiously read if from the console ;)
                 System.out.println(((AbstractHttpOverXmpp.Xml) child).getText());
             } else {
                 // process other AbstractHttpOverXmpp data child subtypes