- /**
- *
- * Copyright 2017 Paul Schaub
- *
- * This file is part of smack-omemo-signal.
- *
- * smack-omemo-signal is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- */
- package org.jivesoftware.smackx.omemo.signal;
- import;
- import java.util.logging.Level;
- import java.util.logging.Logger;
- import org.jivesoftware.smackx.omemo.OmemoManager;
- import org.jivesoftware.smackx.omemo.OmemoRatchet;
- import org.jivesoftware.smackx.omemo.OmemoStore;
- import org.jivesoftware.smackx.omemo.element.OmemoElement;
- import org.jivesoftware.smackx.omemo.exceptions.CorruptedOmemoKeyException;
- import org.jivesoftware.smackx.omemo.exceptions.CryptoFailedException;
- import org.jivesoftware.smackx.omemo.exceptions.NoRawSessionException;
- import org.jivesoftware.smackx.omemo.exceptions.UntrustedOmemoIdentityException;
- import org.jivesoftware.smackx.omemo.internal.CiphertextTuple;
- import org.jivesoftware.smackx.omemo.internal.OmemoDevice;
- import org.whispersystems.libsignal.DuplicateMessageException;
- import org.whispersystems.libsignal.IdentityKey;
- import org.whispersystems.libsignal.IdentityKeyPair;
- import org.whispersystems.libsignal.InvalidKeyException;
- import org.whispersystems.libsignal.InvalidKeyIdException;
- import org.whispersystems.libsignal.InvalidMessageException;
- import org.whispersystems.libsignal.InvalidVersionException;
- import org.whispersystems.libsignal.LegacyMessageException;
- import org.whispersystems.libsignal.NoSessionException;
- import org.whispersystems.libsignal.SessionCipher;
- import org.whispersystems.libsignal.SignalProtocolAddress;
- import org.whispersystems.libsignal.UntrustedIdentityException;
- import org.whispersystems.libsignal.ecc.ECPublicKey;
- import org.whispersystems.libsignal.protocol.CiphertextMessage;
- import org.whispersystems.libsignal.protocol.PreKeySignalMessage;
- import org.whispersystems.libsignal.protocol.SignalMessage;
- import org.whispersystems.libsignal.state.PreKeyBundle;
- import org.whispersystems.libsignal.state.PreKeyRecord;
- import org.whispersystems.libsignal.state.SessionRecord;
- import org.whispersystems.libsignal.state.SignedPreKeyRecord;
- public class SignalOmemoRatchet
- extends OmemoRatchet<IdentityKeyPair, IdentityKey, PreKeyRecord, SignedPreKeyRecord, SessionRecord,
- SignalProtocolAddress, ECPublicKey, PreKeyBundle, SessionCipher> {
- private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(OmemoRatchet.class.getName());
- private final SignalOmemoStoreConnector storeConnector;
- SignalOmemoRatchet(OmemoManager omemoManager,
- OmemoStore<IdentityKeyPair, IdentityKey, PreKeyRecord, SignedPreKeyRecord,
- SessionRecord, SignalProtocolAddress, ECPublicKey, PreKeyBundle,
- SessionCipher> store) {
- super(omemoManager, store);
- this.storeConnector = new SignalOmemoStoreConnector(omemoManager, store);
- }
- @Override
- public byte[] doubleRatchetDecrypt(OmemoDevice sender, byte[] encryptedKey)
- throws CorruptedOmemoKeyException, NoRawSessionException, CryptoFailedException,
- UntrustedOmemoIdentityException, IOException {
- SessionCipher cipher = getCipher(sender);
- byte[] decryptedKey;
- // Try to handle the message as a PreKeySignalMessage...
- try {
- PreKeySignalMessage preKeyMessage = new PreKeySignalMessage(encryptedKey);
- if (!preKeyMessage.getPreKeyId().isPresent()) {
- throw new CryptoFailedException("PreKeyMessage did not contain a preKeyId.");
- }
- IdentityKey messageIdentityKey = preKeyMessage.getIdentityKey();
- IdentityKey previousIdentityKey = store.loadOmemoIdentityKey(storeConnector.getOurDevice(), sender);
- if (previousIdentityKey != null &&
- !previousIdentityKey.getFingerprint().equals(messageIdentityKey.getFingerprint())) {
- throw new UntrustedOmemoIdentityException(sender,
- store.keyUtil().getFingerprintOfIdentityKey(previousIdentityKey),
- store.keyUtil().getFingerprintOfIdentityKey(messageIdentityKey));
- }
- try {
- decryptedKey = cipher.decrypt(preKeyMessage);
- }
- catch (UntrustedIdentityException e) {
- throw new AssertionError("Signals trust management MUST be disabled.");
- }
- catch (LegacyMessageException | InvalidKeyException e) {
- throw new CryptoFailedException(e);
- }
- catch (InvalidKeyIdException e) {
- throw new NoRawSessionException(sender, e);
- }
- catch (DuplicateMessageException e) {
- LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Decryption of PreKeyMessage from " + sender +
- " failed, since the message has been decrypted before.");
- return null;
- }
- } catch (InvalidVersionException | InvalidMessageException noPreKeyMessage) {
- // ...if that fails, handle it as a SignalMessage
- try {
- SignalMessage message = new SignalMessage(encryptedKey);
- decryptedKey = getCipher(sender).decrypt(message);
- }
- catch (UntrustedIdentityException e) {
- throw new AssertionError("Signals trust management MUST be disabled.");
- }
- catch (InvalidMessageException | NoSessionException e) {
- throw new NoRawSessionException(sender, e);
- }
- catch (LegacyMessageException e) {
- throw new CryptoFailedException(e);
- }
- catch (DuplicateMessageException e1) {
- LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Decryption of SignalMessage from " + sender +
- " failed, since the message has been decrypted before.");
- return null;
- }
- }
- return decryptedKey;
- }
- @Override
- public CiphertextTuple doubleRatchetEncrypt(OmemoDevice recipient, byte[] messageKey) {
- CiphertextMessage ciphertextMessage;
- try {
- ciphertextMessage = getCipher(recipient).encrypt(messageKey);
- } catch (UntrustedIdentityException e) {
- throw new AssertionError("Signals trust management MUST be disabled.");
- }
- int type = ciphertextMessage.getType() == CiphertextMessage.PREKEY_TYPE ?
- return new CiphertextTuple(ciphertextMessage.serialize(), type);
- }
- private SessionCipher getCipher(OmemoDevice device) {
- return new SessionCipher(storeConnector, storeConnector, storeConnector, storeConnector,
- SignalOmemoStoreConnector.asAddress(device));
- }
- }