Interface PubSubPersistenceProvider

    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        void initialize()
      • shutdown

        void shutdown()
      • createNode

        void createNode​(Node node)
        Schedules the node to be created in the database.
        node - The newly created node.
      • updateNode

        void updateNode​(Node node)
        Schedules the node to be updated in the database.
        node - The updated node.
      • removeNode

        void removeNode​(Node node)
        Schedules the node to be removed in the database.
        node - The node that is being deleted.
      • loadNodes

        void loadNodes​(PubSubService service)
        Loads all nodes from the database and adds them to the PubSub service.
        service - the pubsub service that is hosting the nodes.
      • loadNode

        void loadNode​(PubSubService service,
                      Node.UniqueIdentifier nodeIdentifier)
        Loads all nodes from the database and adds them to the PubSub service.
        service - the pubsub service that is hosting the nodes.
        nodeIdentifier - the identifier of the node to load.
      • loadSubscription

        void loadSubscription​(Node node,
                              String subId)
      • findDirectlySubscribedNodes

        Set<Node.UniqueIdentifier> findDirectlySubscribedNodes​(@Nonnull
                                                               org.xmpp.packet.JID address)
        Returns identifiers for all pubsub nodes to which the provided address is a direct subscriber. Note that the results do not include nodes to which the provided address is a subscriber through inheritance! The result can include root nodes, (other) collection nodes as well as leaf nodes. When a node is subscribed to using a full JID, that node will be returned only if the address used as an argument in this method matches that full JID. If the node was subscribed to using a bare JID, it will be returned when the provided argument's bare JID representation matches the JID used for the subscription.
        address - The address (bare of full JID) for which to return nodes.
        A collection of node identifiers, possibly empty.
      • createAffiliation

        void createAffiliation​(Node node,
                               NodeAffiliate affiliate)
        Creates a new affiliation of the user in the node.
        node - The node where the affiliation of the user was updated.
        affiliate - The new affiliation of the user in the node.
      • updateAffiliation

        void updateAffiliation​(Node node,
                               NodeAffiliate affiliate)
        Updates an affiliation of the user in the node.
        node - The node where the affiliation of the user was updated.
        affiliate - The new affiliation of the user in the node.
      • removeAffiliation

        void removeAffiliation​(Node node,
                               NodeAffiliate affiliate)
        Removes the affiliation and subscription state of the user from the DB.
        node - The node where the affiliation of the user was updated.
        affiliate - The existing affiliation and subsription state of the user in the node.
      • createSubscription

        void createSubscription​(Node node,
                                NodeSubscription subscription)
        Adds the new subscription of the user to the node to the database.
        node - The node where the user has subscribed to.
        subscription - The new subscription of the user to the node.
      • updateSubscription

        void updateSubscription​(Node node,
                                NodeSubscription subscription)
        Updates the subscription of the user to the node to the database.
        node - The node where the user has subscribed to.
        subscription - The new subscription of the user to the node.
      • removeSubscription

        void removeSubscription​(NodeSubscription subscription)
        Removes the subscription of the user from the DB.
        subscription - The existing subscription of the user to the node.
      • savePublishedItem

        void savePublishedItem​(PublishedItem item)
        Creates and stores the published item in the database. When an item with the same ID was previously saved, this item will be replaced by the new item.
        item - The published item to save.
      • removePublishedItem

        void removePublishedItem​(PublishedItem item)
        Removes the specified published item from the DB.
        item - The published item to delete.
      • loadDefaultConfiguration

        DefaultNodeConfiguration loadDefaultConfiguration​(PubSubService.UniqueIdentifier serviceIdentifier,
                                                          boolean isLeafType)
        Loads from the database the default node configuration for the specified node type and pubsub service.
        serviceIdentifier - Identifier of the service
        isLeafType - true if loading default configuration for leaf nodes.
        the loaded default node configuration for the specified node type and service or null if none was found.
      • createDefaultConfiguration

        void createDefaultConfiguration​(PubSubService.UniqueIdentifier serviceIdentifier,
                                        DefaultNodeConfiguration config)
        Creates a new default node configuration for the specified service.
        serviceIdentifier - Identifier of the service
        config - the default node configuration to create in the database.
      • updateDefaultConfiguration

        void updateDefaultConfiguration​(PubSubService.UniqueIdentifier serviceIdentifier,
                                        DefaultNodeConfiguration config)
        Updates the default node configuration for the specified service.
        serviceIdentifier - Identifier of the service
        config - the default node configuration to update in the database.
      • getPublishedItems

        List<PublishedItem> getPublishedItems​(LeafNode node,
                                              int maxRows)
        Fetches all the results for the specified node, limited by LeafNode.getMaxPublishedItems(). Results are ordered by creation date.
        node - the leaf node to load its published items.
      • getLastPublishedItem

        PublishedItem getLastPublishedItem​(LeafNode node)
        Fetches the last published item (by creation date) for the specified node.
        node - the leaf node to load its last published items.
      • purgeNode

        void purgeNode​(LeafNode leafNode)
      • loadPEPServiceFromDB

        PEPService loadPEPServiceFromDB​(org.xmpp.packet.JID jid)
        Loads a PEP service from the database, if it exists. Note that the returned service is not yet initialized!
        jid - the JID of the owner of the PEP service.
        the loaded PEP service, or null if not found.
      • bulkPublishedItems

        void bulkPublishedItems​(List<PublishedItem> addList,
                                List<PublishedItem> delList)
        Writes large changesets, using batches and transactions when available. The 'delete' list takes precedence over the 'add' list: when an item exists on both lists, it is removed (and not re-added) from storage To prevent duplicates to exist, this method will attempt to remove all items to-be-added, before re-adding them.
        addList - A list of items to be added.
        delList - A list of items to be removed.