Class VirtualConnection

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Closeable, AutoCloseable, Connection
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    ClientSessionConnection, HttpSession.HttpVirtualConnection, WebSocketConnection

    public abstract class VirtualConnection
    extends AbstractConnection
    Abstract implementation of the Connection interface that models abstract connections. Abstract connections are connections that don't have a physical connection counterpart. Instead they can be seen as conceptual or just 'abstract' connections.

    Default values and common behavior of virtual connections are modeled in this class. Subclasses should just need to specify how packets are delivered and what means closing the connection.

    Gaston Dombiak
    • Constructor Detail

      • VirtualConnection

        public VirtualConnection()
    • Method Detail

      • getLocalCertificates

        public Certificate[] getLocalCertificates()
        Description copied from interface: Connection
        Returns the local underlying X509Certificate chain for the connection.
        an ordered array of certificates, with the local certificate first followed by any certificate authorities. If no certificates is present for the connection, then null is returned.
      • getPeerCertificates

        public Certificate[] getPeerCertificates()
        Description copied from interface: Connection
        Returns the underlying X509Certificate for the connection of the peer.
        an ordered array of peer certificates, with the peer's own certificate first followed by any certificate authorities.
      • setUsingSelfSignedCertificate

        public void setUsingSelfSignedCertificate​(boolean isSelfSigned)
        Description copied from interface: Connection
        Keeps track if the other peer of this session presented a self-signed certificate. When using self-signed certificate for server-2-server sessions then SASL EXTERNAL will not be used and instead server-dialback will be preferred for vcerifying the identify of the remote server.
        isSelfSigned - true if the other peer presented a self-signed certificate.
      • isUsingSelfSignedCertificate

        public boolean isUsingSelfSignedCertificate()
        Description copied from interface: Connection
        Returns true if the other peer of this session presented a self-signed certificate. When using self-signed certificate for server-2-server sessions then SASL EXTERNAL will not be used and instead server-dialback will be preferred for vcerifying the identify of the remote server.
        true if the other peer of this session presented a self-signed certificate.
      • isClosed

        public boolean isClosed()
        Description copied from interface: Connection
        Returns true if the connection/session is closed.
        true if the connection is closed.
      • isCompressed

        public boolean isCompressed()
        Description copied from interface: Connection
        Returns true if the connection is using compression.
        true if the connection is using compression.
      • getPacketDeliverer

        public PacketDeliverer getPacketDeliverer()
        Description copied from interface: Connection
        Returns the packet deliverer to use when delivering a packet over the socket fails. The packet deliverer will retry to send the packet using some other connection or will store the packet offline for later retrieval. When null, packets will just be dropped.
        the packet deliverer to use when delivering a packet over the socket fails.
      • startTLS

        public void startTLS​(boolean clientMode,
                             boolean directTLS)
                      throws Exception
        Description copied from interface: Connection
        Encrypts the plain connection by negotiating TLS with the other peer. In a server-2-server connection the server requesting the TLS negotiation will be the client and the other server will be the server during the TLS negotiation. Therefore, the server requesting the TLS negotiation must pass true in the clientMode parameter and the server receiving the TLS request must pass false in the clientMode parameter.

        In the case of client-2-server the XMPP server must pass false in the clientMode parameter since it will behave as the server in the TLS negotiation.

        clientMode - boolean indicating if this entity is a client or a server in the TLS negotiation.
        directTLS - boolean indicating if the negotiation is directTLS (true) or startTLS (false).
        Exception - if an error occurred while encrypting the connection.
      • addCompression

        public void addCompression()
        Description copied from interface: Connection
        Adds the compression filter to the connection but only filter incoming traffic. Do not filter outgoing traffic since we still need to send an uncompressed stanza to the client indicating that he can start compressing the traffic. After we sent the uncompresses stanza we can start compression outgoing traffic as well.
      • startCompression

        public void startCompression()
        Description copied from interface: Connection
        Start compressing outgoing traffic for this connection. Compression will only be available after TLS has been negotiated. This means that a connection can never be using compression before TLS. However, it is possible to use compression without TLS.
      • isEncrypted

        public boolean isEncrypted()
        Description copied from interface: Connection
        Returns true if this connection is encrypted.
        true if the connection is encrypted (e.g. uses TLS)
      • validate

        public boolean validate()
        Description copied from interface: Connection
        Verifies that the connection is still live. Typically, this is done by sending a whitespace character between packets.
        true if the socket remains valid, false otherwise.
      • isInitialized

        public boolean isInitialized()
        Description copied from interface: Connection
        Checks if the connection has finished initialization.
        true if connection has finished initialization.
      • close

        public void close​(@Nullable
                          org.xmpp.packet.StreamError error,
                          boolean networkInterruption)
        Closes the session, the virtual connection and notifies listeners that the connection has been closed.
        error - If non-null, the end-stream tag will be preceded with this error.
      • closeVirtualConnection

        public abstract void closeVirtualConnection​(@Nullable
                                                    org.xmpp.packet.StreamError error)
        Closes the virtual connection. Subclasses should indicate what closing a virtual connection means. At this point the session has a CLOSED state.
        error - If non-null, this error will be sent to the peer before the connection is disconnected.