EditAdminList |
Edits the list of Openfire administrators
EditAllowedList |
Edits the list of external domains that are allowed to connect to Openfire
EditBlockedList |
Edits the list of external domains that are disallowed to connect to Openfire
GetAdminConsoleInfo |
Command that returns information about the admin console.
GetListActiveUsers |
Command that allows to retrieve a list of all active users.
GetListDisabledUsers |
Command that allows to retrieve a list of all disabled users.
GetListIdleUsers |
Command that allows to retrieve the list of idle users.
GetListOnlineUsers |
Command that allows to retrieve the number of registered users who are online at
any one moment.
GetListRegisteredUsers |
Command that allows to retrieve a list of all registered users.
GetNumberActiveUsers |
Command that allows to retrieve the number of online users who are active at any one moment.
GetNumberDisabledUsers |
Command that allows to retrieve the number of disabled users
GetNumberIdleUsers |
Command that allows to retrieve the number of idle users.
GetNumberOnlineUsers |
Command that allows to retrieve the number of registered users who are online at
any one moment.
GetNumberRegisteredUsers |
Command that allows to retrieve the number of registered users
GetNumberUserSessions |
Command that allows to retrieve the number of user sessions at any one moment.
GetServerStats |
Command that returns information about the server and some basic statistics.
GetUsersPresence |
Command that allows to retrieve the presence of all active users.
HttpBindStatus |
AdHoc command to return the current status of the HTTP-bind service.
PacketsNotification |
Command that allows to retrieve the presence of all active users.
SendAnnouncementToOnlineUsers |
Sends a message to all online users