AddAffiliation |
Task that adds an affiliation for a room in the other cluster nodes.
AddMember |
Task that adds a new member to the room in the other cluster nodes.
BroadcastMessageRequest |
Task that broadcasts a message to local room occupants.
BroadcastPresenceRequest |
Task that broadcasts the presence of a room occupant to the occupants of the room
being hosted by the cluster node.
ChangeNickname |
Task that changes the nickname of an existing room occupant in the cluster node.
DestroyRoomRequest |
Task that destroys the local room in the cluster node.
GetNewMemberRoomsRequest |
Task requested by each cluster node when a new node joins the cluster.
GetNumberConnectedUsers |
Task to be executed in each cluster node to obtain the total number of
users using the multi user chat service.
MUCRoomTask<V> |
Task related to a room to be executed in a cluster node.
MUCServicePropertyClusterEventTask |
This task updates or deletes a property in a cluster node's muc service property map.
OccupantAddedEvent |
Task that will remove a room occupant from the list of occupants in the room.
OccupantLeftEvent |
Task that removes a room occupant from the list of occupants in the room.
QueuedTasksManager |
Queue tasks while this JVM is joining the cluster and the requested room was still not loaded.
RoomAvailableEvent |
Task that adds a new local room to the cluster node.
RoomInfo |
Representation of a room configuration and its occupants.
RoomRemovedEvent |
Task that will remove a local room from the cluster node.
RoomUpdatedEvent |
Task that updates the configuration of a local room.
SeniorMemberServicesRequest |
Task to be requested by a node that joins a cluster and be executed in the senior cluster member to get
the services with rooms with occupants.
ServiceAddedEvent |
Task that will add a service to the cluster node.
ServiceInfo |
Representation of a service configuration.
ServiceRemovedEvent |
Task that will remove a service from the cluster node.
ServiceUpdatedEvent |
Task that will update a service configuring in the cluster node.
UpdateHistoryStrategy |
Cluster task that will update the history strategy used by a MultiUserChatService
UpdateOccupant |
Task that updates all information regarding a room occupant.
UpdateOccupantRequest |
Task that requests the cluster node hosting a room occupant to change his
role and/or affiliation.
UpdatePresence |
Task that updates the presence of an occupant in a room.